Do you know what I love about this week's lesson? The demonstration of Peter and the disciples going fishing and catching nothing...and then Jesus guiding them to throw their nets in a certain place and them catching all those fish. We can do nothing on our own, we need Jesus! We need to listen to His voice and follow His instruction and He will give the increase, He will work through us and in us. I love that! As I have prepared for the Sing for the King Ministries fundraiser event I began asking the Lord what He would have me share and He just kept speaking to my heart "Christy, just tell them about me, just talk about me", after all this is all about Him! I reminded myself that I had nothing to prove and that I just needed to depend on Him, talk about His love, His grace, His sacrifice. This night was the benefit dinner and concert, the album launch and my name was "out there" a lot and I desperately wanted it to not be about me and all about Him. The Jason Lovins Band blessed our church recently and shared a song written about Jason's grandma, I cried listening to it, it is called "I Wanna Be Known" and it's all about wanting to be known for loving Jesus and living like Him. That is my heart's desire, to be known for being a Jesus girl, loving Him so wildly and radically that it will never be about me. I want to be obedient in the small things and in the big things...but it's really only the world's standards that categorize what big and small are, isn't it? There is no big or small in obedience to Christ. Let's just be..with Him, doing what He's called us to do.
In the Experience section of this week's study:
Where could you display God's extravagant love around you? Dream a little.
What needs do you see around you?
What nudge do you feel from God concerning these needs? Which ones may He be wanting you to meet (even if it seems small)?
What is keeping you from responding?
What have you learned about yourself in these weeks?
What have you learned about Jesus?
How has the Holy Spirit convicted you about the way you are living?
What is now your vision for your life, your friends, and your family?
Let's write a mission statement...
Your mission statement should be based on your passions and what you hope people will say about you when you are gone. Look over Jesus' prayer in John 17 and consider what it is God has called you to and what He has done already through your life for the good of others and His glory.
Here are some things to consider as you work on this statement:
- Pray and read Scripture. You want your statement to reflect God's heart and purpose.
- Consider your gifts and passions.
- Think about your legacy. How do you want people to remember you when you're gone?
- Reflect on how God has already worked in and through you.
- Seek the counsel and observation of trusted, godly friends. How have they seen God work through you?
So it's your turn. Write a mission statement for your life.
In Jennie's conclusion she says this...I want less days of coping and more days of fighting for God's glory and the good of people.
We are a generation of women that desire to be brave.
May our bravery lead us to sacrificial obedience.
May heaven become more real than earth.
May we see God, really see Him. And then care more about what He thinks than any other person on earth.
May we go to war against bondage that has controlled us and kept us from living the lives that we were meant to live.
May we crave freedom for God's people.
May the state of our hearts become more concerning to us than our reputations.
May our generation live knowing God is real.
May the religious come back to Jesus.
May the faithless find Him safe to consider.
May we see that heaven is coming and that we have a mission.
I want to see in my lifetime a generation of un-numb, un-stuck, focused missionaries, empowered by the Spirit building the kingdom of God together. - Jennie Allen (Proven)
The more obedient and surrendered I live for Jesus the more fulfilled and free I feel and become. Let's be free, with nothing to prove because Jesus has already proven everything. Let's rest in Him, abide in Him, live brave and courageously for Him, outside our comfort zones and loving every minute of it.

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