Our confidence comes from believing God can do anything, then stepping back and letting Him.
There's no need to worry about anything this world may throw at us, there's no need to fear, no need to strive for things that are beyond our control. God's got this, He has us in His hands, in His care and if we will just stop and think about this big God and His power, love, sovereignty...we will feel silly worrying about anything at all.
Trust and rest in the grace and goodness and provision of God.
From Nothing to Prove:
Step into the Stream
- On a scale from 1 to 10, how worried are you today?
- Name what you are most worried about right now.
Wade in Deeper
Dream a little. What would you do if nothing was holding you back?
- Tell one person about the dream.
- Commit to pray for the dream.
- Identify and take one step toward that dream.
Quench Your Thirst
Invite a woman who loves Jesus and is older than you to lunch. During your conversation, ask her these questions:
- How have you seen Jesus be faithful in your life?
- When has God provided in abundance even though you doubted He could?
- What is one thing you would tell your younger self?
Maybe you feel like you don't even know what to dream, maybe you're struggling with striving, or trusting, or resting in the Lord. Give it over to Him, He loves you, He sees you, He has you.
I love this song by Tim Timmons "Rest My Soul"

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