Wednesday, June 28, 2017

Live the Life You Were Called to Live

Soul weary...that's what this is about.  Rest for your soul.  I spent years with a burden on my heart to live the life God called me to, a crazy, wild, obedient life.  A life that loves much, sees people...past their sins, past their circumstances, recognizes their need and loves them.  A life burdened for the lost and the courage to share the Gospel with them with words and actions.  And now that I'm living that life (but believe me, God's still working on me), now that I'm living out my calling to risk and to love and to replace the idols of this world with Him and His mission...I'm living a fulfilled life.

Now don't get me wrong, I've had a beautiful and wonderful life raising my boys and serving alongside my husband in various roles in our church, etc.  But this is different, I wish I was living this free when my kids were younger... they even see it now, they recognize the changes God is making in my life to be bold and wild for Him.  God granted me a glimpse of this recently, on my birthday actually.  My youngest son prayed over our lunch and this sweet phrase settled into my heart, he said "God, thank You for my mom and the amazing life she lives serving You"...what a gift...I think as mothers and wives that we think we really can't live out our calling because we will sacrifice our families.  The best thing we can do for our families is to live surrendered, sold out lives for Jesus.  It is contagious, people!  And if we would just let God have control, risk our comfort zones or looking like a fool, step out in faith then God will show who He is.  Because...this life isn't about us.  Oh how we try and make it be but no matter how hard we try, it just isn't and it never will be.

Jennie states in "Nothing to Prove" - Last night I sat with a friend who is wrestling through the tension of the call on her life and what people will think if she risks it and obeys.  And her fear is that she would appear self-promoting. Oh, I get that! That was mine too. So I did nothing. As if what God was calling us to had anything to do with us. As if our reputation mattered enough to sit on our gifts, training, and dreams that could actually help people and make God known to this world.  Like Moses, we begin to believe that since we are not adequate, then we shouldn't do what God has called us to. And we limit the work of God through us because we think it is all about us, our abilities, our resources. But it is never about us. It is always about hungry people in bondage whom God wants to set free.

And He wants to use us to do it! He wants to use us in His great story! Let me tell you a story...when I finally caved and said "Yes, God, anything You want me to do"...and meant it...things started to happen.  He began developing the gifts He had given me, He equipped me with more gifts to accomplish what He wanted to do with me, and most importantly changed my heart to use these gifts where He wanted to use them...for His Glory, for His renown!  This isn't about me, remember?  I tried to shy away from any recognition and put things off because I really did not want any of it to be about me.  Translation here...I did not care about this whole recording a CD business, I was content leading worship in prisons and at my church.  And God had to remind me...this is part of your anything, Christy.  So I said, ok...but I need original songs (still making excuses, trying to make it about me).  So, He made me a songwriter...He pulled things out of me I never knew were there and even sometimes when I hear my song lyrics, written from His Word, I am overwhelmed.  Overwhelmed with who He is and that He would allow lil ol me to be part of His great story in such a remarkable way.  And He put an urgency in my heart to keep going, to finish...I would see men in prison come to the altar during my songs, others would ask me if I had a CD they could listen to or about a song speaking to their heart and lives.  Or a young woman at a service somewhere weeping over "Anything" or "Be Still".  So here I am...waiting for His timing on all of it (it's perfect ya know) and anxiously await the next opportunity to show Jesus to those around me or to those I come in contact with.  I don't want to waste one more minute of my life wondering "what if"...  And in the waiting I will try and not get soul weary trying to do things in my own strength, on my own terms but trust this miraculous God that wants to use me.

We get to trade striving for rest.  We get to trade striving for confidence - not confidence in ourselves but in the power of a sturdy, heroic God, eager to rescue. - JA (Nothing to Prove)

"Only let each person lead the life that the Lord has assigned to him, and to which God has called him." 1 Corinthians 7:17

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Sunday, June 25, 2017

Proven: Week 4 ~ Rest: The End of Striving

Why are you tired?  Why do you want to make an impact? Why do you want to serve? Why do you want to lead?  If the answer is anything about you then it means nothing.  Why do we try so hard doing anything at all in our own power?  We serve the God of the universe and yet we fool ourselves into thinking we can have control of something, even the tiniest thing.  And what's crazier is we work so hard at it!  I know I have!  It's where my song "Be Still" came from...a place where busyness was keeping me distracted and not resting in Him and His power.

Rest is relying on Jesus' power to accomplish the impossible.  Thank God for what's He's going to do and watch Him do it!  Jesus let's us be a part of His great story!

It brings me great comfort in knowing that if anything I'm doing is really about Him and His plan, then nothing can keep it from working, from accomplishing what it's supposed to for His Kingdom, for His Glory!  I can't do anything to mess it up!  I can have rest in my calling!

This week:
Watch the Lesson 4 video ~ Click Here ~
Read NTP (if you have it): Chapter 7 "No Longer Tired"
Proven Study Guide: Lesson 4 (Read/Study John 6)
Answer Questions from the study guide (pages 70-73)
(John 6:1-15) Describe the problem.

Compare and contrast Philip's and Andrew's responses to the problem.

Describe Jesus' posture and actions in this passage.

What were the results of the miracle?

(John 6:16-21) Describe the setting.

Describe the disciples.

Describe Jesus.

In these two miracles what do you think Jesus was communicating to His disciples?

(John 6:22-71)
What were the crowds wanting from Jesus?

Describe the "work" that God wants from men (vv. 27-28).

Write down all that Jesus offered them. (vv. 35-70).

Did the masses want what Jesus was offering?  Why not?

Who did want what He was offering?  Why?

*Jennie Allen

I'm attaching my "Be Still" song this week, I had no idea Jennie was going to talk about Psalm 46:10 (maybe I should've had a clue since this week is about rest but sometimes I can be dense) but regardless of my ignorance I love how God weaves things together.

Psalm 46:10 "Be still and know that I am God, I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth!"

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Friday, June 23, 2017

Proven: Week 3 ~ Wrap Up

Jesus is trying to call us out of hiding.  He wants us to be free!

Recently a friend of mine eloquently pointed out in a blog post of her own that I am a stuffer...I stuff things, I keep it all bottled up because admitting I need help or am struggling is very difficult for me.  So she has to pull things out of me, my fears, my doubts, my "issues" and I need this from her and love that she does is so freeing. I always say I am not good with relationships...probably because I'm not.  My husband is so good at connecting with people and staying connected with them (students from our Youth Group leading days, that are now grown, still communicate with him, ask his advice, check in, etc...from 7 years ago!)  Really, I'm trying, I reached out to casual friend to interview for a class a couple months ago, there were tears shed and hearts shared, we were vulnerable and I see Jesus connecting us in deeper and more personal ways and I am excited about it. It is hard to admit our sin, it is difficult to admit it to ourselves let alone someone else but it is necessary to risk and lay down our pride to truly be free.

Let me be the first to admit that I am a loner, I don't even need to hear the sound of my own voice and often can go an entire day all alone without saying a word...if I have occasion to have an entire day alone. But I do get lonely, I long for people, good company and good conversation.  I find this most in my cousin and her husband, when we are able to get together we really enjoy each other, all four of us.  My BFF and her hubby are becoming these "good company" people too only we haven't given enough effort on making time to be might be the fact that they have 5 kids, ha!  It is important for us to be connected with each other, with those who will point us to Jesus.  Friends that we can be honest with, some vulnerable and a few that we can be transparent with.

Transparency is necessary with our closet people and especially with God.  It's the only way we can truly be known.  But it's a scary thought that sends us into hiding.

We are thirsty!  Thirsty for more of Jesus even if we don't realize that's what we are thirsty for!  Thirsty for freedom from loneliness, from striving, from trying to be enough.

Jesus says, Let Me be your enough.  You will be filled and you will be known and you will be free.

Like the woman at the well, we need to risk being exposed.

When we hide, we diminish ourselves, we diminish our worth, we diminish our belief in God.  The reason we hide is because we don't know what it feels like to live wholly forgiven.  We've never known what it means to truly enjoy our lives, to run into a crowd with no shame, no fear, no guilt, no proving ourselves, no performance.  Just us.  With the amazing news of a Savior who happens to change lives.

Jennie's words here remind me of my friend, Johnny.  He lives free.  He runs into crowds proclaiming Jesus' life changing Gospel.  He turns a coffee stop at Casey's into a 20 minute prayer time with a customer or the cashier.  He turns a short stay at McDonald's into a weekly ministry of community with a group that is no longer strangers to us.  He lives wholly forgiven.

Living like this begins with us laying down our pride and risking's time to get caught and connect with God and with each other.

...with God  (Read Hebrews 13:5; Romans 12:2)
What distracts me from my time with God?

How can I practically remove these distractions based on the Scriptures?

...with People (Read Ecclesiastes 5:18-20; Ephesians 5:15-16; Colossians 4:3-6)
What keeps me from being present in my relationships?

How can I be more present in my relationships based on the Scriptures?

Get together with friends and ask these questions:
What are you struggling with right now?  How can we help?

What do we need to know about you to really know you?

What things are you tempted to hold back from the people closest to you?

Why do you hold back?

Along with or instead of...confess what you're hiding with someone else, someone gracious, trustworthy, and safe.

Spend time with Jesus regularly if you are not doing so already.

  • Identify a place in your home to be your quiet place
  • Put a basket in your quiet place that contains your Bible, a few books, a candle, journal, and pen
This week, set your alarm 30 minutes earlier than normal.  And at least five times this week, spend your extra 30 minutes praying, journaling, and reading your Bible.  Meet with Jesus.  As you get to the end of the five days, write about the experience.

What did this time mean to you?

How did this time affect your day?

What barriers are keeping you from making this part of your routine every week?

Psalm 84 (underline the words Psalm 84 uses to describe the person who is in the presence of God).

*from Nothing to Prove

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Wednesday, June 21, 2017

Vulnerable and Transparent

Vulnerability and Transparency - both are scary.  What is the difference?  Putting yourself out there...that's vulnerability, an attempt at letting people in or being truthful about ourselves.  Vulnerability doesn't mean we tell all... that's transparency.  And we need both.  This entire blog is me being vulnerable, I share stories about my life, how I feel about things, struggles, sorrows, and more.  And maybe I am slightly transparent at times (some of you might agree) but deep down we don't want people to know the truth about us, how we need help at times, how we fail at times, how we aren't who we portray ourselves to be... and then whoever I'm transparent with will know the real me... yikes!  We all need a transparency friend, I have one...she's my BFF, it's a beautiful relationship filled with honesty, accountability, encouragement, and no condemnation.  We are real with each other even when it makes us sound like a loser (to our own ears anyway).

Vulnerability is the edited disclosure of feelings or parts of your life.

Transparency is exposing the unedited, unfiltered, unflattering parts of your soul.  I think it is very difficult to even want to be fully connected when we are fighting subtle shame or disappointment.  But something about encountering Jesus was enough to change all of that for the woman at the well.  The foundation of her identity shifted.

 This has been a process for my friend and I, we have waded through our insecurities and have come out on the other side accepted and connected to each other.  This all begins with our relationship with Jesus, He's the only one that can make us really secure.  And when our identity is wrapped up in Him and who we are in Him we will feel secure.  The more I learn this truth and live in this truth, the more I risk for Him and for His Kingdom; the more I will try to engage strangers in conversation in hopes that it leads to the Gospel, the more I will walk out my calling and seek His plan for me, and I will no longer let life pass by and wonder why I didn't step out in faith, why I didn't risk being vulnerable and transparent to live the life He has for me.  I don't want to settle for a wasted life, I want to live fully for Jesus and it begins with being honest...with Him and with ourselves and then with others.

Read James 5:13-16, 19-20.  In light of what you read, answer these two questions.

Who are You, Lord? & What do You want for me?

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Sunday, June 18, 2017

Proven: Week 3 ~ Connected: The End of Loneliness

Connectivity, how do we become really connected?  Through transparency, through being exposed, being completely known.  Sound scary?  Maybe...but what's scarier, being caught or being isolated and appropriate?  Let's be honest, we don't want people to know the truth about us, our sins, our doubts, our fears, our shame and this keeps us stuck, alone...  Do you want to be FREE?  Then be transparent, get honest, lay it out there.  I will probably do a lot of bawling this week, I cried watching this week's video...I love a good gut punch from God, the Holy Spirit's conviction is what changes me and the more I grow in my relationship with Christ, the more I welcome it.

We are going to study John 4 and the woman at the well and we are going to see how she was completely known and exposed and then completely free and how through her transparency she gained connectivity.

This week:
Watch the Lesson 3 video ~ Click Here ~
Read NTP (if you have it): Chapter 6 "No Longer Lonely"
Proven Study Guide: Lesson 3 (Read/Study John 4:1-43)
Answer Questions from the study guide (pages 51-53)
Describe the woman at the well.

Most women in those days got water in the cool of the morning or evening. Why was this woman there during the heat of the day?

Describe Jesus' interaction with her.

How did Jesus begin the conversation? Why is this important?

What barriers did they press through to carry on this conversation?

What were some of the results of this intentional conversation?

Describe the water Jesus was offering.

Describe the food Jesus chose to feast on.

What convicts you most from this passage?

Jennie talks about identity again in this week's lesson, when our identity is secure, we can live free!! While watching her video I thought of the Christy Nockels song "Everything is Mine in You", it is so appropriate for this lesson, take a listen.

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Friday, June 16, 2017

Proven: Week 2 ~ Wrap Up

Satisfaction comes when we lay down this life and live for the next! Let's not numb out with technology, entertainment, let's live loving and enjoying Jesus, looking to eternity, being present in the lives of our families and the people around us.

At the end of this week's study there are 4 Experiences.  Four things to do to grow your relationship with Jesus and have joy, to focus your attention on the things that matter and to live a life more abundant.  I encourage you to do them all but to at the very least choose a couple and be intentional.

1) Be: Take a technology fast
The enemy wants to numb us by using technology and entertainment.

2) Create: Create an experience with your friends or family just for fun!
Make time for the people you love, be intentional!

3) Meditate: Spend time with Jesus.  He is so worth it.
Read Psalm 63 and earnestly seek God.

4) Risk: Sit down with a friend, someone you trust and ask them these questions. Hebrews 3:13
Do I seem joyful to you?
If not, why do you think I'm not?
Do you see any patterns in my life that may be stealing my joy?
When have you seen me most fulfilled?
What is one thing I could change in the next month that would cause me to live more content?

I loved Jennie's conclusion this week...

Friends, what if abundant joy, bliss, wonder, and pleasure were ours, but we just kept missing those things because we're either trying to work our way to God or numbing ourselves with fleeting entertainment?

I am learning to pick up books that show me more of Jesus, instead of turning on Netflix. I am learning to call friends over for chili instead of surfing Facebook. I am learning to look my kids in the eyes instead of stare at my phone. Our family is choosing to eat outside and laugh and have game nights and I am learning that the rhythms of gracious living are sacred and pleasing to Jesus. I want to enjoy God's gifts but never give them too much power in my life. I want to see that Jesus is better, better than any cheap substitute I may crave.

I am getting there and I pray the same for you.

As some of you may know, I have bouts with insomnia.  The cause?  My mind will not shut down, I'm not a worrier but I am so distracted by the things that I "need" to do that I lose sleep and if I'm honest, that same distractedness harms my time with the Lord and it is not quality time.  I find myself thinking about all the things I need to do for God instead of just being with Him.  I really am trying to remedy this, pray for me.  Aren't you thankful that His mercies are new every day?  The He gives us so much grace?  I certainly am!

The lesson for me this week is to enjoy Jesus more, spend more time with Him, enjoy His good gifts, make time for the people He has given me, and live life with joy :)  Let's live for eternity and enjoy the journey!

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Wednesday, June 14, 2017

Jesus is Better

Jesus' first miracle...turning water into wine.  I honestly never thought much about Jesus' first miracle, about this miracle of turning water into wine, the significance, the symbolism.  It really is a remarkable thing!  The ceremonial washing jars vs. Jesus, religion vs. relationship, the cheap wine vs. the best wine...the new covenant!  Communion!  Nearness to our Father!  How amazing and telling this first miracle of Jesus was and is!

Forever the new wine would mean:
the end of our sin;
the end of measuring up;
the end of proving ourselves;
the beginning of what we were made for - nearness to God.

Ephesians 2:4-10 "But God, being rich in mercy, because of the great love with which he loved us, even when we were dead in our trespasses, made us alive together with Christ - by grace you have been saved - and raise us up with him and seated us with him in the heavenly places in Christ Jesus, so that in the coming ages he might show the immeasurable riches of his grace in kindness toward us in Christ Jesus.  For grace you have been saved through faith.  And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God, not a result of works, so that no one may boast.  For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them."

God has given us a great gift, the best gift, Jesus.  We don't have to work for this gift, strive for this gift, it is freely given when we accept this gift in faith.  God's precious grace that covers every aspect of our lives so we can live better, so we can quit trying to measure up, most importantly so we can live and walk closely with Him with real fulfillment, real joy, real peace.

God forgive us for deciding what is should look like to follow Him, for suggesting that fulfillment comes more from the life we build here than the life that waits for us with Him.  Somehow we miss that the most exciting, fulfilling rush of an experience comes in following the Spirit of God.  Jesus promises complete fulfillment.

Why do we settle for cheap wine?  Entertainment, social media, work, our kids' activities, our kids' lives?...ouch, material things?  The list could go on and on with the things we put in place before our Jesus.

Our joy, or our lack of it, is a direct result of where we spend our time and thoughts and energy.

Time with much time do we really spend with Him?  I'll be honest, I do not spend enough time with Him.  I have been settling for cheap wine in the way of ministry and trying to keep everyone happy (aka people pleasing).

We want to do things for God without spending time with God.  God built us for Himself, and all our attempts to manage life apart from intimacy with Him only further expose our ache for Him.

Jesus, the best wine means: joy, satisfaction, freedom, enoughness, He will measure up for us, that we no longer have to be addicted to the empty diversions of this world.  What does this look like?  Cutting off or out the things that distract us from intimacy with Jesus!  Do it!  Do we want God more?

Be Still

"And the LORD will guide you continually and satisfy your desire in scorched places and make your bones strong; and you shall be like a watered garden, like a spring of water, whose waters do not fail".  Isaiah 58:11

Step into the Stream

When you look at your life and how you spend your time, what is the most tempting addiction for you?  Name your cheap wine.  How is Jesus better?

Wade in Deeper

Plan one hour and be with Jesus in a new way.

  • Arrange time to be alone.
  • Pick a new, unique, inspiring location.
  • Take your Bible and journal and a pen,
  • Turn off your phone.
  • Be.
Quench Your Thirst

Take a technology fast. Try it for one day!

The Overflow

Right now, pick up your phone and text one friend a passage of Scripture she needs to be filled up.

Jesus is better!

*Everything in italics is from "Nothing to Prove"

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Monday, June 12, 2017

Proven: Week 2 ~ Fulfilled: The End of Thirst

Before we even begin with lesson 2 Jennie addresses our joy.  Can we have joy, can we have fun, can we be satisfied in this life while serving Jesus?  You know what?  We actually can't have all those things until we ARE truly serving Jesus, laying down this life and living for the next.  Jennie talks about her and her husband praying "God, we'll do anything you want us to do" and how it changed their lives.  Praying that prayer changed my life too, and it is still growing and changing it in unimaginable ways.  Being sold out for Jesus does mean sacrifice, it means stepping outside our comfort zones but it is the only way to live.  It is more satisfying and brings more joy than anything we can give ourselves or gain from this world.

Does God want us to be fulfilled and happy here?  I believe He does but I think that we have twisted thinking when it comes to us being happy here on earth. Believing we can't be fully surrendered to Jesus and be happy or we believe that real fun is what the world has to offer.

Jesus lived for His Father's work with purpose and joy and so can we.

Are we living the same way?

Satisfaction comes when we lay down this life and live for the next.

This week:
Watch the Lesson 2 video ~ Click Here ~
Read NTP (if you have it): Chapter 5 "No Longer Thirsty"
Proven Study Guide: Lesson 2 (Read/Study John 2:1-12)
Answer Questions from the study guide (pages 25-28)
What do you notice about Jesus' actions and words in this passage?

What do you learn about Jesus' priorities?

Describe the details you observe about:
The setting:
The other people present:
The bridegroom:
The jars Jesus had the men fill:
The wine:

How did those who knew Jesus performed the miracle respond?

Why do you think Jesus did this as His first public miracle?

From here on out the lessons have a lot more to study, questions to answer, etc.  I will make several posts this week as we work through it.  Blessings!

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Friday, June 9, 2017

Proven ~ Our Desert of Striving

I am not enough.  And I want to quit trying to be enough or pretending I am or have to be.  Oh, I want to be enough, to be able to have control over everything and accomplish so many things in my own power.  I've been called out..."it's not my curse that I believe I am not enough; it's my sin that I keep trying to be".  Jesus is enough and it's time I get to a place where I not only know He is but I believe it and live like it!  

We don't have to earn God's approval...He adores us, why else would He have come to earth wrapped in human flesh, dwell with us, and then die for our sinful, pitiful state?  He loves us so much more than we can possibly imagine.

Name your your limitations, efforts to strive, sin...  Mine is pressure.  I put so much pressure on myself to measure up, to do everything on my own or in my own power because I believe I can do things better than anyone else or more efficiently or the "right" way...but secretly I feel on my own when God is there all along wanting to free me.

Pressures - I can't measure up, I am too weak, I feel like it is up to me, if I don't do it - it won't get done, I am too busy, I feel unlovable, I feel like people love me for what I do and not who I am, what if I fail?   My biggest pressure is Sing for the King Ministries.  

I am not enough for Sing for the King and I never will be but He is and honestly He's the One who's been doing it all along so why am I not resting in Him and why am I putting so much pressure on myself to "get everything done"?  It's time I start to believe rightly about God.  That He is enough, that I can quit trying to be, that if God wants this to succeed then I can't do anything to mess it up!  How freeing is that?!?  He is calling us to big things and small things and extraordinary lives, not that we have to earn or strive for or that require checking out because it's too difficult...He is enough, He will work through us, we just need to get out of the way and trust Him.

"Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light." Matthew 11:28-30

From Nothing to Prove - 
I was making this harder than it has to be.  You see, God has called us to His huge vision. He is calling us to go and make disciples of the world and to show people Jesus and to see people transformed. He has called us to feed the poor and bring hope to the sick and love our families through the hard days. He has called us to lives that set people free and to invite them into the family of God. While sometimes we miss the wonder because we daily live out our calling in mundane ways, He has called us to an exciting and noble and awesome task, and if you are not part of it, I can promise that is one reason that you feel like you are missing something - because you are. We can't make light of the vision, but we also cannot accomplish any of the purposes of God unless we do them with the power and the resources and the energy of God. - Jennie Allen

God has called us to more, to be free so we can know Him, worship Him, love Him, and be with Him.  And HE will enable us to do big things and small things for His Kingdom and as Jennie states..we won't know which ones are which and it doesn't matter.  Live like Jesus.  In every area of our like Jesus, it's all supposed to blend together - our everyday roles and big things we think are big things that we are doing for God...all of it builds eternity, let's not lose sight of living for heaven but do it resting in Him, instead of being weary - delighting in Him.

Identify what you are it!  Is it Fear, Difficulties, Pressures, Shame, something else? God is not surprised, name it and trust Him with it...admitting it and letting it go will bring freedom.

Help us to admit our thirst, admit what weighs us down, what causes us to strive or numb or whatever else is making us believe we are enough.  Show us what it is and help us lay it at Your feet to never pick up again.  Help us trust You more and rest in You, in who You are.  Thank You, Jesus for being enough.

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Sunday, June 4, 2017

Proven: Week One ~ Are You Tired?

The theme verse for this study is John 7:37-38 "Let anyone who is thirsty come to me and drink. Whoever believes in me, as Scripture has said, rivers of living water will flow from within them."

Jesus is all, everything we need. We need to continually come to Him, He gives us what we need. I want to be so full of Jesus that it pours out of me!  Throughout this study we are going to learn how to live like Jesus, have you ever noticed Jesus worrying about anything, stressing out about life (and He had plenty to stress about)?  He lived a life overflowing, a life of abundance and He called us to live like Him.  I know what you're thinking...that He's Jesus, of course He lived an awesome life, He's God!  And we let our humanness creep in and keep us from the life God has called us to, we keep ourselves trapped, believing the enemies lies that we can never live like He intended.  Let's quit trying to be enough or trying to get enough from this world or numbing out and just going through the motions and miss it...miss the abundant life Jesus wants for us. 

Jeremiah 2:13 "My people have committed two sins: They have forsaken me, the spring of living water, and have dug their own cisterns, broken cisterns that cannot hold water."

I don't want to wake up one morning and look back and wonder where the years went and wish I would've lived my life differently, lived fully for my Savior.  And we make it difficult, at least I do...I put so much pressure on myself, so many expectations...I need Jesus' rhythms of grace...I need to rest in Him, to realize I'm not enough and that I don't have to be because Jesus is enough.

This week:
Watch the Lesson 1 video  ~ Click Here ~
Proven Study Guide - Lesson 1
Read NTP (Nothing to Prove) Chapters 1-4
Answer questions:

What consumes most of your thoughts? Why?

What consumes most of your time? Why?

What are you most afraid of? Why?

Are you striving? In what ways?

Are you numbing? Why?

How are you and Jesus right now?

A Vision for Proven (from the study guide)

A person who holds even a smidgen of faith can be a powerful, radical, dangerous force in the kingdom of God, seeing the impossible take place (Matt. 17:20)

A sincere faith in Jesus and all He wants to do around us wakes us up, rattles our lives, shifts every perspective, issues hope in pain, and ignites mission.

I am praying that this Bible study would make our God so big that any moment we miss of Him and the life He has for us is the greatest loss to us.

Jesus, move a generation to draw near to You and believe You at Your word.
from Jennie Allen

Let's dig in, let go, and seek Jesus.

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Friday, June 2, 2017

Proven: Introduction

Good Morning!  Let's begin!  Here's how this is going to work, each week I will write posts that will include video lessons, scripture reading, what lesson to study in the Proven study guide, chapters to read in the Nothing to Prove book (if you're reading that as well), and questions to participate with or at least ponder.  I'll also try my best to genuinely share my heart with you, to be honest and open and so real with how I struggle with the very things you are struggling with, how I overcome or try and overcome different obstacles and most importantly how Jesus is changing my life through it all.

For today:  Take a look at the "Nothing to Prove" Manifesto

Watch: So Thirsty clip

Read: Matthew 11:28-30, John 8:31-32

*Read: Nothing to Prove (NTP) Introduction "Admitting Our Thirst"

Pray: Pray throughout this study that Jesus will become more in your life, that you will find your identity in Him.  I pray that you will find real rest in Him and that you will live life differently knowing you have nothing to prove because Jesus has already proven everything.

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Thursday, June 1, 2017

Nothing to Prove

Prepare for tomorrow today by watching this short video and reading the Introduction in "Nothing to Prove" - if you have it :)  Looking forward to tomorrow, June 2nd at 10am at Panera!

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