Saturday, July 8, 2017

Proven: Week 5 ~ Wrap Up

Have you risked this week?  I'd like to say that I have...but I don't know that I really have, I did have the opportunity to speak to the guys at prison last night and encourage them to risk.  How hard do you think it is for them to risk for Jesus in prison?  Yet, some of them are risking, living and sharing the gospel with gang bangers, drug dealers, and more.  It humbles me, to see their faith and love for Jesus.  I'm going to try to live this next week looking for opportunities to risk, to share Jesus with someone, anyone.  I want to live like this every single day!  I am so weak...but God!  I will simply take it one day at a time, and try to live expectantly and be sensitive to the Holy Spirit's leading.

"Jesus looked at them and said, "With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible." Matthew 19:26

Living with nothing to prove actually makes God-honoring risk a lot more fun. Just as Jesus risked His reputation to set a man free, we are able to more easily see and meet needs around us with less fear when we let go of controlling the circumstances and how our lives appear. - Jennie Allen (NTP)

Step into the Stream
What is one small or large risk you could take for the glory of God or the good of people?

Quench Your Thirst
Do you have diverse friendships? If so, how have they shaped you? What kinds of people intimidate you? What kinds of people do you not pursue? What keeps you from being close?  Hang out with someone different from you this week.

Simplify (I love this simplify stuff...I long to do it!...see my confession there?)
One night this week, beginning at sunset, do not use any electricity where you live.

  • Make s'mores
  • Read by candlelight
  • Initiate deep conversations
  • Look at the stars
What is the thing you most fear right now? Write it down or draw an image that represents it.  Now consider how your life would be different if that fear were conquered or overcome.
Consider the following ways to face that fear:
  • Confess it to a friend
  • Pray about it
  • Memorize Scripture that relates to overcoming it
  • Create an action plan
Now go do that.

"There is no fear in love, but perfect love casts out fear." 1 John 4:18

Create (I'm going to throw this one out there...I, ahem, am a terrible artist but this would be fun to try and share, so do it if you're brave enough)
  1. Buy a canvas, a paint set, and paintbrushes (or even just gather simple stuff around your house)
  2. Sit and observe
  3. Paint or draw something that reminds you of God's beauty
  4. Share your artwork online using the hashtag #ProvenBibleStudy
Jesus shows us the way to freedom, what an example for us to follow!

I want to sink all I have in the field with the treasure that goes on forever because it is the wisest risk of my life. Is there a risk Christ is calling you to take? There is no more secure venture than risking on an eternal, loving, steadfast God.  What is holding you back?  - Jennie A. (Proven)

This is a risk song...You Make Me Brave, God will equip us and use us and enable us to do what He's called us to do!

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