Project One is kind of intense...lay out your anything prayers...the things you are holding onto, the things your have to give away, your gifts, talents, possessions, people, fears, hopes, plans?? What's so amazing about our anythings is that they are all unique, that's the God we serve, He has the best plans for us, He has a role for us to play in His great show His Glory!
Chapter 13 talks a lot about the Holy Spirit's work in all of this, He is necessary and we have to listen for His voice. I underlined this..."Without the Spirit of God to lead our anythings, we will only be do-gooders with our own agendas." How crucial it is to follow the Spirit's leading and not our own.
My anythings have been revealed over the last 3 years and they are growing and changing and morphing into things I never imagined! I cannot do this on my own, I don't want to, nothing good can come from Christy Hoagland but Jesus can do remarkable things with my life. His ways are higher than my ways!
Project Two: Who has helped you love God more?

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