This means war. Being sold out to Jesus puts a big target on our back, the enemy wants to keep us down and defeated, thankfully we serve a King that has already won the battle! Keep in step with Him, stay focused on Christ and on the Kingdom and the mission He has for you.
Let me just share my heart for a moment...I began praying anything three years ago, God moved me into many roles, grew me in crazy and amazing ways, and walked beside me through difficulties. It's these hard things that we are scared of and I think I have just begun to realize how my surrender had to be fought for. The devil attacked my family in numerous ways, my boys drifted from the Lord and my marriage almost destroyed...but because of Christ in me, I hung on for dear life refusing to give up, declaring to my family the faith God had given me, and that because of Him everything was going to be okay.
I have felt at times, like Jennie, not worthy to be doing the things He is allowing me to do. I have felt inadequate and ill-equipped, silly and small. And then I remember...I was bought with a price, that I can do all things through Christ, and I know He will never leave me nor forsake me. Praise Jesus for His truth and promises! God is good, He is coming, and this is worth it!
This week:
Read chapters 16-18
Study Ephesians 6:12-18 and answer questions
Do Project One

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