This week has been beautiful and difficult at the same time. God is at work and I have to remain focused on what He has called me to do. I marked and underlined so many things in these three chapters, here are a few that touched me.
Once God was free in our lives, he was loud and clear, and following him was not that complicated. Especially because he kept showing up.
We have become such a pragmatic society with our pros and cons and schedules that when we get to matters of radical obedience, it's easy for us to talk ourselves out of it.
"For the word of the cross is folly to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God....Has not God made foolish the wisdom of the world?" 1 Corinthians 1:18,20
What if you had been too afraid to obey me? Look at what you would have missed.
We grow through suffering. And most of us need to grow up. I've learned to quit wishing away the hard stuff, because I don't want to miss all the good stuff that goes with it.
I've been so programmed to perform as a 'follower of Christ,' and all God ever wanted was for me to surrender, to set aside the agenda and to follow.
At some point, our faith and our words must become our actions and lives. Do we talk more about God than we obey him?
Our caution makes us look ridiculous.
Jesus prayed his guts out for us, our joy, our mission, our future with him...and twenty-four hours later he bled out on a cross for us.
I cried today thinking about this last Jesus gave his life for me and I hold on to ridiculous caution...the Creator of the Universe, Giver of Life, All Powerful and Miracle Working God died so I could be free and do His will and I shrink back afraid of what??? How silly we must all look to Him, when will we learn to trust Him?

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