This past Friday and Saturday we (Christian, Cameron, and I) had a yard sale at my mother-in-law's house in town, no one comes out of town to a yard sale according to James. We have had a couple yard sales in the past at the same location but it has been a few years, mostly due to what a pain in the butt they are to get ready, sit at, etc. This was kind of a last minute deal, the boys originally had a previous commitment to help load moving vans for a family from our church but the family told us the new company they are going to work for paid for their movers. So onward yard sale! We didn't have any clothes this time to sell, I've been donating those to other people or our clothes closet at church, most of the items were the boys'. They had remote control cars, video games, board games, and the like. I drug some stuff out from under the stairs, most of which did not sell and found trinkets here and there. I didn't have a whole lot but I did find some things that I had forgotten I had or had been wondering where it was. We packed the van up with junk, er valuable merchandise and headed for grandma's. On the way we put up the much needed signs since no advertising had been done, then we got started laying things out. Grandma donated some items as well and let the boys have her share, she always does that...it's a grandma thing. Did ya know how boring yard sales can be? Waiting for customers, waiting for customers to buy something, speculating whether they will buy something when they pull up and what that might be...and on and on. Well, we decided we would have a lot of fun regardless if we made a dime. The weather has been pretty hot but on these two days it wasn't quite as bad, it got to low 90s at best. I know, I know. There were lots of mosquitos out each morning so we saturated ourselves with bug repellant and sat on the porch to wait. I brought a few decks of cards along for us to pass the time, the boys and I played Nertz, Rummy, and then we decided to play a family favorite...P.I.G., it is kinda like Spoons but instead of grabbing a spoon you simply put your finger on your nose and the first to spell Pig has to do some kind of task. We always agree upon a task before we start each game. The first task we decided on was that the loser, wait..I don't really like the word loser, the nonwinner would have to strike up a conversation with the next customer about hammers. Then it was on...Cameron got a P, Christian got a P, Cameron got an I (making P.I.), I got a P...Cameron got a G, well since there were still no customers we played again. This time the task would be to skip up the street to the intersection and yell "YARD SALE!" and then skip back down. I really did not want to lose this one because this is a big hill we are talking about. Well, Cameron lost this task as well and performed it with ease...let me tell ya, he yelled pretty loud, grandma's is at the end of a dead end street and we heard him loud and clear. What I find so humorous is that he still wanted to play again. This time the task was to tell a customer that we would sell them everything here for $100 million dollars (in the same voice Adam Sandler does on the movie "Bedtime Stories").

Boy, they really wanted me to lose even though I can't imitate him nearly as well as both of them can. Well if you haven't guessed it yet, Cameron lost again...poor kid.
Christian and I were dying, Grandma was having a good laugh as well and now to just wait for the next customer, I mean, victim. An older gentleman arrived shortly after in a pick up and started to browse, we said "Cameron, you're up" giggling all the while. He sighed, walked down the porch steps and started straightening items, and sort of following the old guy around. Meanwhile, another vehicle pulls up and a family emerges...yea, an audience. Cameron finally works up his nerve and decides he is going to use all his tasks on the same person.
Cameron: "Do you need any hammers?"
Old guy: "No, do you got any?"
Cameron: "No, just asking."
Old guy: "O..K..."
Cameron: "Hey, tell you what, I'll give you everything here for $100 million dollars."
Old guy: "That's a fine deal but I'm gonna have to turn it down."
Grandma, Christian and I are all holding in the laughter, we don't want to be rude you know. We actually played one more time and yes, Cameron lost but we didn't make him follow through on it. The boys made over $150, I made $3.10...go figure. But I had an awesome time with my children making it worth so much more then any amount of money.
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