Recently, a dear friend of mine had a cake-tastrophy and I asked her if I could blog it and she said okay. I assured her (even though she didn't care) that the names would be changed to protect the innocent. My friend and I have known each other for over 20 years, she is a doll, she's high maintenance for sure...don't worry, she knows it and she has always reminded me of Drew Barrymore. So for the sake of this story, I'm calling her Drew. 

Drew has been dying to give me a perm for quite a long time, I always refuse. My hair is so fine - as in - wimpy, limpy do nothing hair. I just don't think it would work for me. She assures me every time that there are better products out there and it would work on me.
I will let you know if that ever happens...maybe when I'm really that old!
Well, back to the main story. Drew has a 9 year old boy, he is her middle child and she wanted to do something special for his birthday. She decided to order him a special birthday cake, like one of those you see on Cake Boss.
Drew is a hair stylist, my whole family's hair stylist and she is fabulous. James and I were in her salon a couple weeks ago, she was working on someone's hair and her phone rang. I answered it for was the Cake Boss, was a lady...that made her the birthday cake. She said Drew's cake was ready and she could pick it up. Drew told me to ask her how much it was, so I did.
The lady said "five seventy five. I thought that maybe I hadn't heard her right, so I asked "five seventy five?" and she said "Yes, five seventy five". I hung up the phone and in my head I was thinking...five seventy five? Drew is a little extravagant so I thought maybe she knew it was going to be expensive or it couldn't really be $575, could it? I know it's not $5.75...nope it's gotta be $575! I relayed this message to "Drew". She went any good tax paying citizen would! $575! for a 9 year old's birthday cake? It's not even a milestone! I told her, maybe it's a mistake. She said "No, I bet that's right! I can't afford that! What am I going to do? I'm gonna have to take out a loan...for a birthday cake! That's more than my car payment!" She started to tear up a time or two, I was really concerned for her. I asked her if she wanted me to call her back, that is just ridiculous and especially since she had no idea it wasn't going to cost so much. She said "no, don't call her back, I'll take care of it" She was pretty upset when we left that morning.
I called her the next day to see how everything went but couldn't get her. I just waited till my next appointment to get the low down on the cake. As it turns out, she talked to the lady and explained how she had no idea it would be so much and that she couldn't afford to pay that much. The lady said okay and that they have people that buy cakes that people don't pick up. (That makes me think this happens quite a bit) Drew said she bought a sheet cake from the grocery store instead. She explained how they were cutting the cake and passing out the pieces but that her son hadn't gotten a piece yet. She asked "don't you want a piece of cake?" to which he replied "I don't really like cake all that much"...
This is exactly why I love this blog... perfect. You have a real gift Christy.