Praying Anything...things are getting real. I love these chapters (8-10), they make me want to live differently, they make my heart ache for the time I have wasted chasing the things of this life...
God was real and heaven was coming, and I wanted to hold every moment on earth in light of that moment when I would meet God face-to-face. I was ready to forsake this life for the next. I wanted him to unreservedly have me, so that when I faced him, we would both know that my life was spent on everything he had dreamed for me. - Jennie Allen
Do I believe in the invisible enough that I'm willing to live for it? - Jennie AllenLet's face it...we are numb or at least I have been or used to be. I noticed this morning in church while my pastor was preaching his guts out, passionately and unashamedly that everything inside of me was screaming Yes! and Amen!, tears were rolling down my face and I wondered...what is wrong with us? Why are we not shouting from the rooftops about the gloriousness and majesty of Christ?
The world has yet to see what God can do with and for and through and in a man who is fully and wholly consecrated to Him. - Henry Varley
This week:
Read chapters 8-10
Study 1 Corinthians 15:12-32
Do Project One (this one is interesting...please call me or set up a time to meet with me if you'd like)

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