Vulnerability is the edited disclosure of feelings or parts of your life.
Transparency is exposing the unedited, unfiltered, unflattering parts of your soul. I think it is very difficult to even want to be fully connected when we are fighting subtle shame or disappointment. But something about encountering Jesus was enough to change all of that for the woman at the well. The foundation of her identity shifted.
This has been a process for my friend and I, we have waded through our insecurities and have come out on the other side accepted and connected to each other. This all begins with our relationship with Jesus, He's the only one that can make us really secure. And when our identity is wrapped up in Him and who we are in Him we will feel secure. The more I learn this truth and live in this truth, the more I risk for Him and for His Kingdom; the more I will try to engage strangers in conversation in hopes that it leads to the Gospel, the more I will walk out my calling and seek His plan for me, and I will no longer let life pass by and wonder why I didn't step out in faith, why I didn't risk being vulnerable and transparent to live the life He has for me. I don't want to settle for a wasted life, I want to live fully for Jesus and it begins with being honest...with Him and with ourselves and then with others.
Read James 5:13-16, 19-20. In light of what you read, answer these two questions.
Who are You, Lord? & What do You want for me?

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