At the end of this week's study there are 4 Experiences. Four things to do to grow your relationship with Jesus and have joy, to focus your attention on the things that matter and to live a life more abundant. I encourage you to do them all but to at the very least choose a couple and be intentional.
1) Be: Take a technology fast
The enemy wants to numb us by using technology and entertainment.
2) Create: Create an experience with your friends or family just for fun!
Make time for the people you love, be intentional!
3) Meditate: Spend time with Jesus. He is so worth it.
Read Psalm 63 and earnestly seek God.
4) Risk: Sit down with a friend, someone you trust and ask them these questions. Hebrews 3:13
Do I seem joyful to you?
If not, why do you think I'm not?
Do you see any patterns in my life that may be stealing my joy?
When have you seen me most fulfilled?
What is one thing I could change in the next month that would cause me to live more content?
I loved Jennie's conclusion this week...
Friends, what if abundant joy, bliss, wonder, and pleasure were ours, but we just kept missing those things because we're either trying to work our way to God or numbing ourselves with fleeting entertainment?
I am learning to pick up books that show me more of Jesus, instead of turning on Netflix. I am learning to call friends over for chili instead of surfing Facebook. I am learning to look my kids in the eyes instead of stare at my phone. Our family is choosing to eat outside and laugh and have game nights and I am learning that the rhythms of gracious living are sacred and pleasing to Jesus. I want to enjoy God's gifts but never give them too much power in my life. I want to see that Jesus is better, better than any cheap substitute I may crave.
I am getting there and I pray the same for you.
As some of you may know, I have bouts with insomnia. The cause? My mind will not shut down, I'm not a worrier but I am so distracted by the things that I "need" to do that I lose sleep and if I'm honest, that same distractedness harms my time with the Lord and it is not quality time. I find myself thinking about all the things I need to do for God instead of just being with Him. I really am trying to remedy this, pray for me. Aren't you thankful that His mercies are new every day? The He gives us so much grace? I certainly am!
The lesson for me this week is to enjoy Jesus more, spend more time with Him, enjoy His good gifts, make time for the people He has given me, and live life with joy :) Let's live for eternity and enjoy the journey!

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