Does God want us to be fulfilled and happy here? I believe He does but I think that we have twisted thinking when it comes to us being happy here on earth. Believing we can't be fully surrendered to Jesus and be happy or we believe that real fun is what the world has to offer.
Jesus lived for His Father's work with purpose and joy and so can we.
Are we living the same way?
Satisfaction comes when we lay down this life and live for the next.
This week:
Watch the Lesson 2 video ~ Click Here ~
Read NTP (if you have it): Chapter 5 "No Longer Thirsty"
Proven Study Guide: Lesson 2 (Read/Study John 2:1-12)
Answer Questions from the study guide (pages 25-28)
What do you notice about Jesus' actions and words in this passage?
What do you learn about Jesus' priorities?
Describe the details you observe about:
The setting:
The other people present:
The bridegroom:
The jars Jesus had the men fill:
The wine:
How did those who knew Jesus performed the miracle respond?
Why do you think Jesus did this as His first public miracle?
From here on out the lessons have a lot more to study, questions to answer, etc. I will make several posts this week as we work through it. Blessings!

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