I am not enough. And I want to quit trying to be enough or pretending I am or have to be. Oh, I want to be enough, to be able to have control over everything and accomplish so many things in my own power. I've been called out..."it's not my curse that I believe I am not enough; it's my sin that I keep trying to be". Jesus is enough and it's time I get to a place where I not only know He is but I believe it and live like it!
We don't have to earn God's approval...He adores us, why else would He have come to earth wrapped in human flesh, dwell with us, and then die for us...in our sinful, pitiful state? He loves us so much more than we can possibly imagine.
Name your junk...name your limitations, efforts to strive, sin... Mine is pressure. I put so much pressure on myself to measure up, to do everything on my own or in my own power because I believe I can do things better than anyone else or more efficiently or the "right" way...but secretly I feel on my own when God is there all along wanting to free me.
Pressures - I can't measure up, I am too weak, I feel like it is up to me, if I don't do it - it won't get done, I am too busy, I feel unlovable, I feel like people love me for what I do and not who I am, what if I fail? My biggest pressure is Sing for the King Ministries.
I am not enough for Sing for the King and I never will be but He is and honestly He's the One who's been doing it all along so why am I not resting in Him and why am I putting so much pressure on myself to "get everything done"? It's time I start to believe rightly about God. That He is enough, that I can quit trying to be, that if God wants this to succeed then I can't do anything to mess it up! How freeing is that?!? He is calling us to big things and small things and extraordinary lives, not that we have to earn or strive for or that require checking out because it's too difficult...He is enough, He will work through us, we just need to get out of the way and trust Him.
"Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light." Matthew 11:28-30
From Nothing to Prove -
I was making this harder than it has to be. You see, God has called us to His huge vision. He is calling us to go and make disciples of the world and to show people Jesus and to see people transformed. He has called us to feed the poor and bring hope to the sick and love our families through the hard days. He has called us to lives that set people free and to invite them into the family of God. While sometimes we miss the wonder because we daily live out our calling in mundane ways, He has called us to an exciting and noble and awesome task, and if you are not part of it, I can promise that is one reason that you feel like you are missing something - because you are. We can't make light of the vision, but we also cannot accomplish any of the purposes of God unless we do them with the power and the resources and the energy of God. - Jennie Allen
God has called us to more, to be free so we can know Him, worship Him, love Him, and be with Him. And HE will enable us to do big things and small things for His Kingdom and as Jennie states..we won't know which ones are which and it doesn't matter. Live like Jesus. In every area of our lives...live like Jesus, it's all supposed to blend together - our everyday roles and big things we think are big things that we are doing for God...all of it builds eternity, let's not lose sight of living for heaven but do it resting in Him, instead of being weary - delighting in Him.
Identify what you are carrying...name it! Is it Fear, Difficulties, Pressures, Shame, something else? God is not surprised, name it and trust Him with it...admitting it and letting it go will bring freedom.
Help us to admit our thirst, admit what weighs us down, what causes us to strive or numb or whatever else is making us believe we are enough. Show us what it is and help us lay it at Your feet to never pick up again. Help us trust You more and rest in You, in who You are. Thank You, Jesus for being enough.

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