This year....
Here's the one Christian fiction I've read, Christian got this for me for Christmas so of course, I had to read it and it's by one of my favorite Christian fiction authors, Karen Kingsbury.
I started this one "Worship Matters" by Bob Kauflin in the Fall of 2013 but am still reading it to this's a lot to take in but oh, so good. It's for the Worship Leader but speaks to so many issues of the heart of Worship that anyone reading it would be effected by it. It is also very practical for the Worship Leader or musician. Highly recommended!!

I read this in the Spring, James and I were starting this community Bible Study and we wanted something to read for ourselves before we began. Everything revolves around the gospel and so we wanted to immerse ourselves in a greater understanding of how to relate that in a deeper way to others. So appropriately, I read "Gospel" by J.D. Greear.

I Am a Church Member by Thom Rainer, a short book showing what a church member should look like. Really good, our Pastor did a Wednesday Night Bible study with it.

The Ultimate Pardon by Bill Corum, now this was a doozy. Bill came to our Celebrate Recovery meeting one Monday and shared his testimony.
He wrote this book about his life and gave anyone that wanted one a copy. His story is intense and not for young readers, he wrote about his sin and how God delivered him. Really, really good...I read this one in only a few days time.
He wrote this book about his life and gave anyone that wanted one a copy. His story is intense and not for young readers, he wrote about his sin and how God delivered him. Really, really good...I read this one in only a few days time.
Here's a description and a link to his personal testimony.
Bill Corum rode over 2500 miles in handcuffs, leg-irons and waist-chains in his first twenty one years of life. After his release from prison, he finally returned to his home in Kansas City, MO determined to never go back. Yet, he had no intentions of ever becoming a law-abiding citizen...only covering his tracks. Bill's insatiable hunger for money, power, and influence drove him. He spent the next eighteen years evading the law. Like a frog in a slowly boiling pot, he found himself in the ever tightening vise-grip of drugs, pornography, prostitution and organized crime, until he found himself in so deep... there was no way out. After being arrested, he faced the probability of spending the rest of his life behind prison walls. Will Bill Corum receive the Ultimate Pardon?
Right now I'm still reading "Worship Matters", I'll probably have to read it for the next several years to really "get" all of it. I just started to read "Restless" by Jennie Allen but have discovered a study guide and have decided to put it on hold because I ordered "The Best Yes" by Lysa Terkeurst which will coincide with an online Bible Study with Proverbs 31 Ministries starting September 22nd. Meanwhile, I'm doing the Esther Study with I really like online studies, they are convenient for us "busy" moms...ironically enough, "The Best Yes" is about making wise decisions in the midst of endless demands.

What are you reading?

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