2. I'm not good at telling stories. I try, and sometimes they kind of make sense but I need to leave that to someone who can make them sound better than they really are.
3. I say random things. This happens in two ways, either I'm thinking about something in my head and I say something outloud, it could be during a different conversation (usually with my hubby) but it doesn't make any sense to him. And other times, I will be talking about something and insert something that isn't even relevant and then I wonder...did they think I meant something other than I intended?
4. I say things that don't make sense. See number 3.
5. I enjoy cleaning. Weird I know but I can't sit still at home for very long, if something has to be done I just gotta do it before I can feel like I can relax.
6. I can flare my nostrils. Nuff said.
7. I think I'm funny. Really, I do...even if I'm not, I think I'm a riot just try telling me I'm not...I won't believe you.
8. I can be really serious. Really... Seriously... I can... It's usually around new people in a new environment, it takes me a while to warm up to some people. I don't even know why. Do you think I might be shy? Hmmm...maybe.
9. I'm kind of a loner. I like being by myself (not all the time) but a lot of the time. I'd rather go shopping by myself which some may think is weird but I never feel like I can really look at the stuff I want to or buy the stuff I want to if I'm with someone else. I may buy a couple things but most of my good shopping is done by myself, much to James' dismay.
10. I count things. This may be the strangest one yet, but I do. I count things over and over, I have a friend that reads things multiple times but I count things. There might be 23 people in the room and I will count them...multiple times, maybe it's usually people...you know what? It is usually people! Wait....go back to number 4.

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