I work at my church which is a 35 minute drive, James has the cabinet shop (at our home) but James' new job is in Sedalia, the same town I work in... a mediocre jaunt. Of course, Cameron goes to Lincoln High School which is only a few minutes away from our home. Everyone has their own vehicle, which makes our driveway look like a used car lot when everyone is home, but is good because we can all go where we need to be. Our biggest issue is James' truck is a monster fuel sucker and it would cost a small fortune to drive that thing to Sedalia every day so we came up with a system to save on gas. The catch is that on multiple days of the week I am getting up at 4:30 a.m. and arriving at work by 6:00 a.m., it's not every day but even two days in a row wears me out. James works from 6:30 to 3:00 p.m. and I work from 8:30 to 5:00...hence the sleep deprived me; I go to work early, he stays around town late. Some days I start working right away and other times I write blog posts or have extra Bible Study time, which really is nice...but I'm oh so tired. Pray for me, I know this is a small sacrifice and we are fortunate to have extra income. God is so good to us, I am constantly in awe of His love and care for lil ol me.

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