I really used to think it was quite silly or annoying but Christian started a family league "The Hoagland Cup" a couple years ago and I've been hooked ever since. This is year 3 and I plan to win it all this year, I came so close last season but Christian's stinkin' kicker scored an unbelievable amount of points to overthrow me.
I participate in mock drafts before the season begins. Christian schedules a Fantasy Football Draft night and I wait in anticipation. The order is random and this time I got to choose my first player last, I knew who I wanted to pick first but was afraid one of my offspring was going to pick him. I threatened them with something but Cameron still picked my first choice.
I talk to my players. I know they can't hear me but I talk to them anyway, I threaten to bench them, I cheer for them, urge them to run faster! I've always like football but this, this is something else. I played in 3 leagues last year...too many, I would sometimes be playing against a player I had on another team and I just didn't like that. I am playing in 2, our family league and a friend's league, my friend, one other person I know and a bunch of his friends from college. Yes, I'm the only girl but that makes it all the sweeter when I kick their butts and I do kick their butts.
I get to name my teams anything I want, my Hoagland Cup team is named "Mama's Monkeymen", don't ask me why...I don't have any answer but for some reason I like to name them with two words that start with the same letter. My other team is "Porky Passers"...I know, I know...cool name.
James laughs at me, I'm not sure if he thinks it's cute when I talk football or thinks I'm completely out of my mind. Maybe a little bit of both...

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