Our Wal-Mart is being renovated and is a hot topic of discussion right now. I snapped these pics this morning.

It smells like paint when you enter now but in a month or two or three (I've heard all those responses) it will be finished. It started with closing off the back restrooms which only left a one-holer by the deli, long lines or wait, you can use the port-a-potties outside the store in front. Nothing is where it used to be and usually it is somewhere else the next day, store employees are struggling to find items, not to mention, if you go late at night it's really noisy with jack hammering floors, hammering, sawing, you know that usual carpenter type work. The best is the pharmacy, it is hysterical! They built a plywood box in the middle of the store as a make-shift pharmacy till the new one is completed but it works 'cause I picked up my blood pressure pills the other day. I need my pills you know. People are whining and complaining about the whole thing. But not me, lol, I love it! I love change (and I'm Baptist!) and something fresh and new! I can't wait to explore when it is finally finished, I know, I am so weird.
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