Every Thursday I attend a Bible Study called 'Your Whole Life'. The theme is Eat Right, Live Well, Love God. Each week we talk about how we ate that week, lived well, and loved God. We know what to say about eating right and we "try" to love God by showing love to others, our family, serving...but I want to talk about the Live Well part. This is supposed to be something that we do for us, for instance, getting fresh flowers for your table, getting a pedicure, a massage, going to a movie with the girls, etc. We have had many good discussions but this week when the Live Well portion came up this blog popped in my brain, this is something I am doing for me, and for all of you, okay...just kidding. But perhaps someday I might have something insightful to say. I have been thinking about this blogging thing and if I'm gonna do it, then I'm really gonna get into it and do it! I need to pour my heart into it! And this brings me to my realization tonight about how I have been participating in this bible study.
I go to two Bible studies on Thursdays, this one (Your Whole Life) led by a lovely redhead from church and another one at 7 pm that I lead with a different group of women, I am sure I will talk about that sometime or another. Tonight I was thinking how disconnected I've been to the 'Your Whole Life' study, I have been eating better, reading my daily devotions, filling out my food log, and sometimes exercising which has had its benefits, I have lost about 5 lbs in the last 5 weeks but I have not been committed to it. I haven't answered any of the questions at the end of each day's devotion and I haven't memorized the scripture reference for the week. What's worse, I have barely even tried!?! I know what I should be doing, I don't want to just go through the motions, I want to be all God wants me to be, to be used by Him to accomplish His plan, to bring Honor and Glory to Him in everything I do. I don't know why I have been "rebellious" on this but His mercies are new every morning and I'm going to cling to that.
Well, today is definitely a new day. I got up worked out, had an awesome quiet time with God, and loved people today...what a blessing. Thank you Lord!