My son, Cameron, has the stinkiest feet! Last night he was sitting at the table doing homework when I walked in the room, YOWZA, they were bad! I said, "Man your feet stink!" Then my other son walked in and he too mentioned the hideous odor. Shortly after, Cameron too could no longer stand the smell of his own two feet. I told him to take off his socks and put them in the laundry room. He did but that wasn't enough, dad told him to wash them in the bathtub so we could all breathe, whew, that helped a lot. Well, this morning I opened the laundry room door and got a whiff of those socks, ugh, I threw in a load right away so I wouldn't have to smell them anymore. What it boils down to is, I have got to find a way to cure those stinky feet! Here is some info for such a cure...
Tired of never being able to kick off your shoes and kick up your heels because every time you do your friends and coworkers mysteriously disappear? The reason may be right before your nose. Stinky rotten smelly feet may be turning them off. Put an end to stinky foot odor once and for all!
Tea. Brew two tea bags in one quart of warm water and soak your feet for ten minutes every night for a week. The tannic acid in the tea helps to prevent the feet from sweating and causing odor. If symptoms return, simply soak your feet in tea for a few days. Once the problem is under control, soaking your feet once week will keep the odor at bay.
Zinc. Make sure you are getting plenty of zinc. One of the symptoms of a zinc deficiency is foot odor. Taking 50 mgs of zinc a day, for 2 weeks, will cure any foot odor if the odor is caused by a zinc deficiency.
Apple Cider. Soak your feet several times a week with natural apple cider. Remember to dry your feet thoroughly after soaking.
Jell-O. Soak your feet in lemon or lime Jell-O. Mix Jell-O with hot water. Add cold water to get a nice warm footbath. Soak feet in Jell-O until the Jell-O begins to "set". Wash feet with warm soapy water and rinse. Dry thoroughly.
Vodka. Myth Busters tested the use of Vodka in a foot bath to remove foot odors. They confirmed that vodka does work to eliminate foot odors. (I am definitely not going to go out and buy this so this one is out!!!)
Bleach. Pour ¼ cup of common household bleach in a foot bath with warm water. Soak feet for ½ hour. Rinse and dry feet thoroughly.
Vinegar. Pour ½ cup white vinegar into a warm foot bath. Soak feet for ½ hour. Rinse and dry thoroughly.
Listerine. Saturate cotton ball with Listerine. Apply to your feet. Do not forget to get between the toes. Dry thoroughly.
Rubbing Alcohol. Apply to feet with clean cotton balls after a shower. Dry thoroughly.
Alum. Wash your feet with warm sudsy water. Dry thoroughly. Dust with powdered alum.
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