And by BIG things, I mean things that matter. One life being changed by the gospel of Jesus is BIG! What if you told a fourth of the people you came in contact with in one single day about Jesus' love and sacrificial death for them? What if you sacrificed kids' extracurricular things to make Jesus a priority in your life and theirs? What if you not only gave the guy with a cardboard sign on a corner something to eat but gave him the gospel too and then followed up with him? What if you spent more time with Jesus in prayer and in His Word than on Facebook or watching TV or you fill in the blank?
Why don't we run hard after God? What keeps us from fulfilling God's plan for our lives? Why do we put off til tomorrow what we should be doing today?
Fear...fear of putting ourselves out there, fear of rejection, fear of failure.
The flesh...there's a battle going on with our flesh, the spirit is willing but the flesh is weak.
It might be hard work...face it, we are lazy, we are selfish, we want to do things our way and on our own time.
We limit God's power...we talk about believing that God is all-powerful, in control, sovereign and then we act like His power doesn't exist or is limited to only a few or that He really doesn't want to use lil ol me. The same power that rose Jesus from the dead lives inside His children, us - followers of Jesus!
It's out of our comfort zone...of course it is! It's living for a supernatural, holy and righteous God who we can never measure up to but will completely love us no matter what and will use our willingness to glorify Himself.
Run hard after God! He is worth it! Remind yourself that He does the work, we can't do anything on our own, this should be freeing for us! Spend time with Him in prayer. Dig deep into His Word, He will speak to you there, He will equip you, He will transform you and enable you to do more extraordinary things through Him than you ever thought possible. He makes every day worthwhile, full of joy, peace, and hope.
Run hard after God! Afterall....he ran hard after you when He sacrificed His Son, Jesus, on the cross for you. You were bought with a price, now go and start living like you were.
"You were bought with a price; do not become slaves of men". 1 Corinthians 7:23

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