Proverbs 3:5-6 "Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths."
1. Trusting in God by placing my desire under His authority.
2. Analyzing the decision.
3. Making the decision.
4. Owning the decision.
5. Trusting God to work good even from the not-so-good parts.
We steer where we stare.
When I stare at failure, I'll fear it. I'll convince myself it's the worst thing that could happen. And I'll stay stuck. But when I stare at all the possible ways God can use this whether I succeed or fail, I'll face my decision. I'll convince myself that it's better to step out and find out then to stay stuck.
Fear can paralyze us and keep us from doing what God is calling us to do. For a long time I was a 'go with the flow' girl, never taking a risk, just falling in line, which isn't always a bad thing but last year I took a risk and made a decision to step out in faith and trust God to lead me on a fantastic journey. God had a lot in store for me that I would have missed had I not let go of that fear. God opened so many doors following that decision that I was simply in awe and so grateful. If I hadn't stepped out boldly and grabbed that decision/opportunity by the horns, I would have missed out on God's best yes for me.
It's so important to take our decisions to the Lord and trusting Him with them. He always confirms what we should or shouldn't do in His Word. Stop overanalyzing, stop being fearful of what could or couldn't happen. God is faithful and in control, that should give us comfort and boldness!

(italics The Best Yes by Lysa Terkeurst)
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