Today's choices become tomorrow's consequences.
Our decisions aren't just isolated choices. Our decisions point our lives in the directions we're about to head. Show me a decision and I'll show you a direction.
We, you and me, often are ruled by our emotions or feelings. We don't consider the cost of making even the smallest choice or decision. Sometimes I will decide to "help" with something and later regret that choice because it either takes me away from my family or takes me away from something else I should be doing. But other times we make emotion decisions. I count myself pretty level-headed and calm in tough situations and am not one to do something rash, but there are times when my emotions are running unusually high and I will say or do something I might not normally do. It is so important to not be ruled by your emotions. It's really a selfish way to live. It means we are only caring or looking at how something affects us. The closer I am to Christ and grow in Him, the better at controlling my emotions I become.
Chasing down our decisions will help us stop and think about the consequences those decisions will have on us and the ones we love.
Check out Lysa's "Chasing Down That Decision" tool at

(in italics The Best Yes by Lysa Terkeurst)
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