Cameron turned 18 years old on Monday, October 6. This kid, he is really a remarkable young man. I am so proud of who he is and who he is becoming, I know God has some amazing things in store for him, he has a beautiful, kind, compassionate heart. And...he's a superhero. He loves Superman...I don't know if it's because he wants to be superman, wants to fly? Wednesday for spirit week he is was superman/clark kent all rolled into one.
I love that he is so fun and not too cool to have fun. He doesn't want to party like most kids his age, he loves working with kids with special needs, and he is serious about his purity. He gives me hugs and tells me he loves me...and will even say it first. He sings loud and proud in the shower, this morning it was his all state choir tryout piece. He loves the song "Aint No Mountain High Enough" and other oldies which crack me up. He is a special person. Don't get me wrong, he isn't perfect but he is a gift from God and I am so thankful and proud to be his mama. Today as he was leaving the house for school I asked him to let me take his picture (he told me he was taking all his pics all week without smiling).
He opened the door and it was pouring down rain. He asked if we had an umbrella and I said no :( He said "it's ok...I'll use my cape!" He flung it over his head and away he went.
He is a standout in a crowd (LHS choir singing the National Anthem)

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