My brilliant son, Christian, dropped this bombshell on us right before Thanksgiving. He's joining the Marines. Here's what followed...
We cried,
we made jokes,
we cried some more,
we were proud,
we talked to people from other branches of service,
we cried a lot more,
I talked to my uncle who was a Marine for 30 years,
we sucked it up,
we're really proud,
it's gonna be fine...
God is in control.
We had our son's future all planned out, ya know. How dare he change things up on us. Right? Don't we have some kind of say? Nope, not really. Oh, we can say all kinds of things, give advice, but ultimately it's up to him. We really are proud of him, this is a major decision, college will be paid for, he is amazingly smart and can do almost anything he wants to do in the service, and it will be a great character builder. He's supposed to leave for basic training in August, that's when it's gonna get tough, for him and for us. But I'm trusting God, He promises to never leave or forsake us, He is in control, what more can I ask for?

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