Some of you may or may not know that my boys have never been trick-or-treating, James and I just decided that Halloween wasn't something we were going to celebrate. I'm not offended by people that do or think they are bad or (in maniacal voice) "evil", we just chose not to participate. We have went to many "Fall Celebrations" at church, etc. A check out lady at Wal-Mart years ago asked the boys what they were going to be for halloween and I stated we didn't celebrate halloween and she asked me if were Jehovah's Witnesses, lol. All this brings me to say, we had an awesome experience on October 31, 2011. A precious family in our church, along with many members of Cornerstone put on "Light the Night for Jesus". There were lights throughout the yard, carnival-like games, minute-2-win it games, hot dogs, bottled water, candy galore and a professional photographer that took pictures of all the darlings that wanted their picture taken and for free of course! So I just had to get a pic with my little darlings in our cool shirts (all the workers wore one). Over 400 kids came through, each received lots of candy, and the gospel message of Christ. Thank you to the wonderful family that helped make this possible, they did this last year on their own, what a privilege it was to serve alongside them.

Cameron with girlfriend, Kaitlyn. Alyssa, Christian's girlfriend, and Christian.
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