I know that what each of your days will contain, and I empower you accordingly. The degree to which I strengthen you on a given day is based mainly on two variables: the difficulty of your circumstances, and your willingness to depend on Me for help. Try to view challenging days as opportunities to receive more of My Power than usual. Look to Me for all that you need, and watch to see what I will do. As your day, so shall your strength be." Ephesians 1:18-20; Psalm 105:4; Deuteronomy 33:25
This is an excerpt from Jesus Calling: A 365 Day Devotional by Sarah Young
I read this last Saturday after receiving some not-so-good news. We received a letter from my boys' school district stating the we needed to prove our residency or tuition would be due. Ya see, when we bought our house in the spring of 2005 it was slightly over the line in terms of school districts. To thwart any issues I got a full time job at the school, I worked there for 3 years and then subbed until acquiring my current job last year. Many people knew we were out of district, school board members, administration, teachers, etc, I figured it would be okay although in the back of my mind it seemed like I was "cheating", and I was. I talked myself out of any wrong doing by thinking about my boys going to school here since PreSchool. I know, I know...tisk tisk. But I can't do anything about that now, now can I? I cried, I cried a lot...I talked to the school board president on Sunday afternoon and on Monday evening. The boys had til semester and they took it pretty hard. With each day though they are coming around and accepting the inevitable, they are going to be changing schools after Christmas. I told them that we don't know God's purpose and plan and that they could do incredible things at this new school. Christian prayed for dinner a couple nights ago and prayed that he and Cameron would look at this as an opportunity instead of a hardship. I was very proud, both of them have faced this head-on and are looking at the good things God has in store for them there.
God is so good to us, in spite of me and my sinfulness. Thank You, Lord, for what you are teaching us through this. It's a new day!

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