I ran a 5k today....that's 3.1 miles....and I lived to tell about it. I've known about this for 2 or 3 months, that I would be participating and thought I should start training. A couple months ago I began working out again, you know how that is, I work out for a few months, fall off the wagon and then start again. This time, after just a couple weeks of working out I wasn't feeling well and fell right off into the abyss of unmotivatedness. It was really pathetic. I wasn't motivated to do anything for a while in the way of exercise until just two weeks ago.
And then last Saturday I thought I would train by actually running. I went down below the dam, there's an oval road that is just a hair over a mile so I would be able to see how this was going to go. And I was off...just a few yards in and I started thinking to myself...why am I doing this? I am a grown up, I don't have to do this, I don't like running! Why do people run? Why do people say phrases like "Running is fun"...ugh. Running is dumb I say! I ran the entire first mile and then walked for about half a mile and ran some more. I only finished just over 2 miles and decided that's all I had in me or wanted to do.
A week later and the 5k was here, it was in the 30s...I detest the cold, it was windy...pooh. There was an 82 year old man oiling up his legs, he was hard core. We have spied him running before...dragging a tire behind him (makes me feel so good about myself). He is my hero, ha! Just kidding. I received my number, pinned it on crooked and went to the starting line with my boys. The old guy said "on your mark, get set, go" and we were off. The first half mile wasn't too bad but then came a slight incline and the cold wind in my face, ugh. I really didn't want to have to start walking this early in the race (that's funny..."race"). I survived the hill and turned the corner, I slowed to a brisk walk for about 30 seconds to a minute (seriously) and then ran past the first mile marker. I walked and ran off and on for the rest of the race, there was a long straightaway at the end and I really didn't want to run the whole way but I also didn't want to look like I wasn't running so I moved my arms like I was running and just walked for half the way. I know, I know...ridiculous but you're thinking "what a great idea!" I started to run again and Cameron came out to meet me and cheer me on, he ran the rest of the way with me but when I saw people I pushed past him and did a 'Chariots of Fire' finish for fun, I just couldn't help myself. I did it! I completed a 5k...my time was 37:37 which I was thrilled with, I was hoping for 45 minutes. I got a 3rd place medal for my age group, for some strange reason there were more women in my age group than any other, what is wrong with these people? I actually admire people that can run, I just don't feel like I'm one of them. I felt like a fish out of water, I was surrounded with people in high tech running suits with fancy watches...blah, blah, blah. I think I was the only first timer there except for my boys and they did great by the way. They both got a 1st place medal for their age division and Christian got 3rd male overall...geez, they didn't get that from me.
Flashback! When I was in high school I had P.E. my freshman year and running the mile was manditory. I did it of course but I was always red faced and looked like I was about to die, my time back then was around 8 minutes which isn't great but isn't totally terrible either (for me).
Anywho, I was glad this was over. I was ready to go home, get comfy, drink some hot cocoa and watch an old movie or something. And we did exactly that. I also found a flyer in my bag from the race for a 5k coming up in June.....we'll see...

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