Saturday, June 12, 2010

An Opposum in my food

We have a trash can with a bag of dog food and a bag of cat food in it, critters love pet food.

It was believed to be dead...the lid was on, I think I did that. I didn't have a clue there was an occupant there.

We let him go even though he will probably just come back...


  1. No. no, no, no. NO! NO! NO! nuh-UH!

  2. maybe I could bring him to you so you could let him run around in your house on April Fools Day

  3. Ha! He's smaller than the cat that made it under my fridge, so I'm sure he'll fit in fine! I remember a nasty, rabid possum that found its way onto Grandma Hardin's porch. Uncle Eric shot it. It was an odd, vivid memory. I detest those things as much as snakes!



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