I don't know about the Omega 13 but I do know that when it comes to marriage "Never Give Up, Never Surrender" is a good motto. I really believe that every marriage can be saved and that too often people throw in the towel instead of trying to work it out. Let's face it, marriage is hard work! I know mine has been and I have to continue to work on it each and every day.
The words "for better or worse" always stick out to me, the "for worse" part is so over looked today, when things get worse....one party or the other bail. Now, I realize that God's grace and forgiveness extends to all and there are even grounds for divorce outlined in God's Word but it is not His design or plan for us. My best advice for surviving and thriving in marriage....Grace.
Give your spouse grace just as the Lord gives us every day. We mess up, give each other grace. I put up or extend grace to my husband but he has to put up and give me grace as well.
"So they are no longer two but one flesh. What therefore, God has joined together, let not man separate." Matthew 19:6
Never give up, never surrender...

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