Right now, my children are not in love with Jesus, it’s heartbreaking because I know how wonderful He is and how worthy He is and how much my boys are missing out on.
My boys are good boys, they aren’t out partying and carousing and doing the things that rebellious teenagers and 20 somethings do; they are usually at home, spending time with each other and with their crazy parents, they are going to church because they know we want them to, they are bowing their heads when we pray over dinner, they are going through the motions but have vocalized their doubts and maybe even unbelief.
And it makes this mom wonder…did I show my kids what it
looks like to make Jesus #1?
There’s a difference between teaching them and showing
them. We’ve said We fool ourselves and take for granted that God is constant and that if we miss a couple of times every now and then it’s not really going to have an impact on my spiritual walk. Now, I’m not trying to be legalistic, God’s grace is sufficient. I’m pointing out that when we put more emphasis on the worldly things (even though they are fun and even make us proud) then we are going to lose something. That something will be time spent with our Lord, time spent hearing and reading His Word, time spent in fellowship with believers, time spent pursuing Christ and knowing Him more. Because, in the end, none of this matters, only Jesus… It doesn’t matter if my kid was prom king or the hall monitor or the star athlete…it’s about the Kingdom. Did I make Jesus famous? So famous that they wanted to be like Him, know Him, love Him more than anything this world could ever offer?
These are the things you look back on when your kids are grown and you wonder where the time went. Yes, I wish I would have done more to point them to Christ and I wish I would have cut out some of the things that eventually would consume a lot of their time. Where do I go from here? “The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases; His mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is Your faithfulness.” Lamentations 3:22-23 An awesome reminder of the amazing Savior I serve. My boys are going to come back to the Lord, God has given me a great gift of peace about this and I am so thankful. I will continue to speak truth into their lives and love them like Jesus. I cannot save them but I can point them to the One that can and I will do that with every part of my life.

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