My amazing cousin (wink), Jenn, from has shared a Liebster with me, an award given to
bloggers who have great content but not too many people may have heard of them yet; it is only given to bloggers who have less than 200 followers. "Liebster" is German for favorite, and the award is presented by a fellow blogger as a sort of pat on the back "you've got a great thing started" type of award.'
I was inspired to start blogging after following white trash mama, I don't keep up with it like I should. I love being able to look back at stories from even a couple years ago when I started, seeing my kids and reading the quirky and silly things my family does and is. It keeps those memories fresh. Blogging enables me to share a part of myself I probably wouldn't otherwise.
Liebster rules require sharing:
1. List 11 facts about yourself
2. Answer 11 questions posed to you
3. Ask 11 questions
4. Give to 11 bloggers
5. Thank the giver, with a link back.
My 11 facts:
1. I can't sit still for very long, I feel the need to "clean" something when I should just sit down and relax.
2. I love to sing for the Lord and feel blessed to do so every week at my church.
3. I adore teenagers...I know, weird, but I do.
4. I love to read although don't make the time to do it enough.
5. I am terrible at keeping up with people I love.
6. I can be extremely silly and then other times be quiet and serious.
7. I like to play board games and am very competitive at fast card games and word games.
8. I love wearing heels, makes me feel elegant and skinnier, lol.
9. I like shopping but am very frugal so I head straight to the clearance rack...this has been passed on to my kids, or at least one of them.
10. I don't worry much about anything and am maybe don't worry enough about things but afterall, God is in control.
11. I laugh at everything, mostly myself.
11 Questions:
1. How many kiddos? How many grade levels? I have two boys, ages 18 and 16, or Senior and Sophomore. They are awesome!
2. Latest life lesson? You know...those deep talks when you think, you hope, this time they GOT it! Maybe not such a deep talk but Christian brought a girl home without notifying his mother and this time she actually was taking it easy and not worrying about the house. He has to make sure the house is immaculate before he goes anywhere from now on.
3. What do you feed them for lunch? If they get lunch at all, just kidding, well....maybe, they usually fend for themselves.
4. How do you manage to feed them and teach them and get anything done? Good question since I work outside the home, lol, but in the evening I do feed them, not much teaching going on and throw laundry in and either clean the kitchen myself or make Cameron do it.
5. What is a recent favourite read-aloud? I haven't read aloud anything in quite sometime, one of my faves is "Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing", so fun. I take that back...the read aloud part, we did some advent stuff.
6. Coffee black or cream or sugar or cream & sugar? I like my coffee with flavored creamer, plain creamer is gross, I can drink it black as well but almost always have flavored creamer.
7. Cake or Pie? Yes.
8. What is a recent read that has been speaking to you and helping you grow? Just started reading "Enemies of the Heart" by Andy Stanley, amazing book about the "heart". I will blog about that when I am finished reading it.
9. What is a recent read that you've just plain-old enjoyed? "Riven" by Jerry B. Jenkins. Didn't get into the left behind books he wrote but this is a different kind of book by him and sooo good.
10. What is the one subject you just never seem to get around to doing enough of? I can clearly tell my cousin wasn't thinking of me when she wrote these questions but I wish I would have instilled a better yard work ethic in them.
11. Who do you look to as an inspiration to be the best mom you can be? I cannot name just one, so I won't.
My incredible and fun cousin, Jennifer, because she takes time to 'be' with her kids, she looks at them like they are the gift they truly are. And she is not afraid to be silly and fun.
My wonderful friend Niki, she really cares about family...her own family and the family in general, its importance. She has a caring spirit and really goes out of her way to make people feel loved.
My fabulous friend Jamie, whose mission is to help people have Godly marriages and models it every day.
Thanks Jenn...I will treasure this award ;) Check out the white trash mama, she is an amazing woman, a talented writer, wonderful mother, and dear friend. And best of all, she's family!
I really don't know how to do this either so I will cheat like you did Jenn.
My 11 Bloggers...yeah right
1. Who is your favorite author and book?
2. What are you gifted at?
3. Who do people say you look like?
4. What major event in your life changed you and made you who you are?
5. What do you do for fun?
6. How is God using you right now?
7. What's your favorite thing to blog about?
8. What is something difficult for you that you wish you were better at? (I know...not proper grammar)
9. What is your favorite thing about being a mom?
10. What are your favorite blogs to read?
11. If you could change one thing about "your own little world" what would it be and why?

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