Trapping Season is upon us and Cameron caught the first racoon of the season. It's not too awful big but I'm sure its mama will come looking for it and then he can catch her as well....just kidding, that's a morbid thought but may be true after all. Trapping is a favorite pasttime of Grandpa Hoagland's, he still traps and James trapped along with him until just last year, he just hasn't the time to invest in it. But Cameron really enjoys it and is planning on getting in on the fun (oh joy) as much as he can this year, some for the sport..or whatever...of it and some for the money he will earn.
James used to tell me to put trash bags in the car so if I saw a coon or other "trapping worthy" animal ran over on the highway, I could pick it up and put it in the car...I have NOT done this yet and I don't plan on it. His response to my unwillingness is "You wouldn't leave a $20 bill on the side of the road, would you?" At which my reply is "A $20 bill isn't bloody, nasty, and gross". Think about that the next time you see roadkill.