A funny thing happened on the way to the game
They told me turkeys would be playing lame
Those poor old birds just flopped there you see
Their left legs were shorter and knobby at the knee
They tried and tried to get their team to score
But their opponents, the wart hogs, declared "This is War!"
They scratched and clawed, they sunk their beaks in
But they're no match for wart hogs, this was the end
The rest was quite dreary
It was downright scary
Those turkeys it was time now to bury
This just cannot be true
You might think to yourself
Put that back on the shelf
*I totally just made that up as I wrote, lol, and what a cop out for adding the names!

You have an odd and very quirky sense of humor Christine. It is funny and endearing all at the same time. Excellent job using mine and my wife's aliases... I have the strange feeling that if Lucy Montgomery Maud's Anne of Green Gables could have been written as an adult in the 21st century she would have been very much like you.
ReplyDeleteI spent the evening after supper tonight reading back through your blogs and I find myself very touched at your ability to share the ups and downs, the questions, the joys and sorrows, the celebrations the quiet struggles that come with trying your utmost to walk the Christian walk. It is difficult at best to do it quietly behind closed curtains, but it is a true gift to share it so transparently while doing it so well. The early Apostles didn't have quite your luck or grace at being in the spotlight.
I only hope that others get a chance to read your blog, I am certain that it would touch them as it has touched me. And I know without a doubt they would identify with you and your family and their load would be lightened in knowing that we all carry an equal share. And they would learn to laugh at their own struggles when they see with what good humor you confront your own issues. I hope you're able to keep your writing going for quite some time. Your ability to write is a true gift as well as a blessing...
Your words are very touching to me and I appreciate your comments. And yes, I know I have an odd and quirky sense of humor and that's how I like it, lol, my husband is so funny, it's one of the things that attracted me to him. I was just asked a few days ago if he was always like that...yes, yes he is. Til next time... :)