The Lord placed music in my heart and life when I was a child. I remember singing songs to Jesus at night as a little girl, I don't recall having a good voice or a bad one...it didn't matter, I just sang. I begged my parents for piano lessons in 6th grade, I played the saxophone in jr high and eventually started singing in high school (which was ironically the biggest surprise to me and everyone around me). God gave me the gift of music, even more so...being decent at it. I realized early on that this was indeed a gift from Him alone and I vowed always to use it for Him and for His glory. I jumped at every opportunity presented to me to sing, be it the national anthem at various events/causes, a church special, a school assembly, funerals, weddings, so many occasions...all for Jesus. And yes, I sang about Jesus at school assemblies, God makes those things happen, ya know. I've been singing for over 26 years now, mostly in church which I love! I love singing and worshiping with God's people, my sweet church family. I have been content in this for a long time but just a few short years ago felt God prompting me to more, to step out and share Jesus through song with more people, in more places. And I said yes... God is equipping me to progress as a worship leader and is opening doors for me to use this precious calling. I am humbled and honored to serve Him in this way. I GET to lead others in worshiping Jesus, in singing praises to Him...sometimes in a room full of boisterous men singing at the top of their lungs, tears streaming down their faces, running to the altar...and other times stillness, quiet, reverent singing, joy filled faces, or no words. What a privilege. I am content in this...and why shouldn't I be?
God is calling me to more, I'm writing songs, leading worship at conferences, conventions, and more. I have the opportunity to record my first original album and I know I'm supposed to do it. Honestly, I could lead my songs in prisons and other venues and not think another thing about it. But I know I'm called to this too, men in prison, others at other events have asked for my songs and I have nothing to give them and it breaks my heart. I will not squander this gift of songwriting and singing, if my meager attempt at songwriting brings others into a greater understanding of who Jesus is then I have to share it. I do not desire a big stage, a record deal, a music career...I just want to be obedient to my calling to lead others in the worship of the Lord through song.
"To you, O Lord, I will make music." Psalm 101:1b
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