My firstborn, Christian Michael, graduated from high school!
And I know how to throw a party! I had help, of course, some friends of mine helped with the food and aunt and uncle helped with clean up along with friends and my awesome hubby. I rented the fellowship hall at a local church that was right across from the high school which was so convenvient.
I compiled a 3 ring binder of all the certificates and awards that Christian received during his school years, it was work but it is really neat to look at and since he changed schools he didn't get a letterman's jacket so I made this "thing" to put his medals and letters on. It was a lot of fun to see the things he has created and written...especially in early grade school.
Plans have changed and Christian is now going to attend Missouri Valley College in Marshall, MO. He received 3 scholarships (Music, Golf, and Academic) and he is going to major in music. We are very proud of him and can see the hand of God in his life. So very blessed!
I know...we are so weird...

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