Who wouldn't be proud of a kid like that? This pic was taken at our Awana Awards Night where the youth helped out, they really got into it. But that's not what this post is about.
We are a family of singers, well...most of us, James sings but usually just with a crowd. He and I have sang a couple of specials together but I don't think I could get him to do it again. I sing all the time but that's not a big deal to many anymore because I'm old(ish), ha. Christian has been singing since he was a little tyke, took solos to State Music Contest, performed in Showstoppers, and is now on the worship team at our church with his dear old mom. But Cameron has kinda been out of the spotlight, he sang in choir at school and church but always seems to fly below the radar when it comes to doing many solos, etc. I've always thought he had a nice voice but just didn't use it enough or put in the work it takes to sing a special at church.
Cameron is getting ready to enter high school and Warsaw has an elite singing group called 'Madrigal'. Singers everywhere (ok, not everywhere) but singers in the Warsaw School District and yes, Christian is in this group, vie for a coveted spot in the group. Tryouts are always right before school is out and Cameron tried out last week. I asked him if he was going to be okay if he didn't make it, he said no, he would be devastated. I really hoped this wasn't the case but I was prepared for anything. There were only two senior boys this school year which meant only two boys were going to get in, today the results were in...Christian texted me this morning...Cameron made it!!! I haven't talked to him yet but I am sure he is over the moon. I am so proud! He is finally coming into his own...I can't believe he will be in high school next year, ugh!