I had been anticipating this night - many prayers, planning and practicing went into preparing to enter this prison chapel and tell 100 men about Jesus' redemption plan and to share in worshiping my King. I've been doing prison ministry concerts with my church worship team for the last two years. I've seen many grown men fall to their knees and cry out to our Holy God, it really is a sight to behold, a privilege to be a part of...
This night was a little different, James and I had been asked to come in, him to preach and me to lead worship. James wasn't too sure about the whole thing and wanted to observe the first time. I was excited for the opportunity to share praise and worship with these men and to give away the hope that I have in Jesus Christ. I planned my songs, what scriptures I wanted to use, what words and direction I thought God was leading me and prayed that He would use me for His glory. And the waiting and countdown began. My friend, Johnny, that goes in every Friday night to minister and had invited us to go was just as excited (if not more).
We arrived an hour early to set up and we circled up to pray. Four or five offenders, Johnny, James and myself...and I was in awe. In awe of God bringing me here, using me in this way. What an honor. It may not sound like that big of a deal to some, probably most people would prefer to play on a big stage, a sold out crowd, or somewhere without razor wire. I could be content doing just this, this is enough for me, God, and I am so thankful. I believe He has much more in store for me but I don't think I will ever give up prison ministry.
After we prayed, the prison worship band began playing and then men started filing in. Johnny spoke for a few minutes and then turned it over to me...it really is crazy. I did a couple songs they knew and even the ones that they didn't know they tried to sing along. Do you know what 100 men in prison sound like singing 'Holy, Holy, Holy to our Lord God Almighty' sounds like? It sounds like freedom, it sounds like total abandonment, it sounds like brokenness and healing and so many other beautiful things that are beyond description. Several men gave their hearts to Jesus. I'm sure some people think it's only "jailhouse religion" and that may be the case for some...but if one life is changed with the Gospel of Christ...then what an awesome and incredible experience for that one. A life changed - what's it worth? The cross of Calvary. My Jesus died for these men too and they are hungry to know who He is.
Prison ministry isn't for everyone but it's certainly for me and I can't wait to go back. What a blessing, God is so good to me. I know this is part of His plan for me, part of my 'anything' journey, the start of something amazing - the start of a ministry with my husband! Next time, James will preach and I'll get to lead worship with these men again. Say yes to Jesus, what has He called you to?