My life is transitioning...some exciting, some scary, some just baby boy will graduate from high school next month, my oldest boy is living on his own being all grown up, my mama is walking through difficult health issues, I just applied to seminary to work on a Certificate in Worship Ministry, and there are more things around the corner. God is doing some molding on me and I feel vulnerable. I have been brave, I have been weak, I have been encouraging and encouraged, I have wept, I have been confident, I have felt insecure, I have prayed for God to lead me through all these things and He is and I am thankful. I am trusting Him. I feel He is opening doors and closing others which is amazing and frightening, frightening because I am so human. I'm eager to embark on this journey of new things, even the hard things because I know God will show Himself more and more to me and I will grow closer to Him especially through the difficult things.
"The spirit is willing but the flesh is weak". Matthew 26:41b
I feel like this pretty much sums up how I've been feeling and that portion of that scripture came right to mind but I looked up where to find it and was reminded of its instruction from our Lord.
"Watch and pray so that you will not fall into temptation. The spirit is willing but the flesh is weak." Matthew 26:41
Watch and pray.
I will keep my eyes on Jesus, watch for the snares of the enemy of self-pity, doubt, fear or those that will draw me away from God's calling, and I will continue to pray, pray for leading, clarity, to be used however my Lord wants to use me, and I will pray for His peace.