Friday, April 30, 2010

My, Oh So, Talented Children

I know it's okay for a mom to brag on her children, as a matter of fact it's just natural. (To a certain don't wanna be one of those moms that says her little Johnny will always be better than your child, and it turns out he is a holy terror. I'm just sayin')

So here begins...

The above picture is of my oldest son, Christian, he is on the right and he is trying not to get blown off the Empire State Building. He went to New York in March with Madrigal, Warsaw High School's top singing group. He went to contest at the end of March and received a 1 rating on his vocal solo and on a small ensemble at District contest. He performed yesterday at MU, he received a 2 on his vocal solo, yes it's still good and he was bummed he didn't get a 1 but as I reminded him that 'we Praise Him when we win and we Praise Him when we lose' he began to feel better (yes, that's from Facing the Giants). Being a good mom requires vast knowledge in movie quotes. His small ensemble got a 1 which was very exciting, he was the only male vocalist to go to state this year for a solo and he is only a freshman, I couldn't be prouder of him.

Now, Cameron, he is the one that looks like he is adjusting his glasses with his face.

Jr. High Music Contest was this past Tuesday, Cameron performed 8 times, yes 8 events. I bet you're thinking that's too many, and you are right, it is. It was a long night. He did very well, He sang with the Men's choir and got a 1, he sang with the Mixed choir and got a 1, 7th grade band got a 1, one of his small vocal ensemble's got a 1, he got a 2+ on his vocal solo which was in sounded like he was going to hock a loogie but apparently that's a good thing, he got a 2+ on his trumpet solo and he performed this after running down the hall after finishing a trumpet trio which got a 2, and he performed in a Men's Sextet which also got a 2. Whew, it was fun though and I beamed with pride each time he took the stage, well, stood at the front of a classroom.

These boys are really somethin' and they are growing up way too fast...*sniff* *little tear*

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Faith and Funeral Salad

Yesterday, I attended the funeral of my husband's cousin Debbie. She was 47 years old and fought cancer for many years. James (my hubby) and his father (Lester) conducted the funeral. My father-in-law preached a sermon filled with hope and rejoicing because of Debbie's faith in Christ Jesus. He stated that knowing Debbie had accepted Jesus' free gift of salvation made his job so much easier. One of the statements he made that I loved was that the greatest inheritance someone could leave their loved ones was giving them the gift of knowing they were with Jesus and that their life reflected that commitment to follow Him.

It was a lovely service, I cried for the family's loss and tried to stay strong for my husband. It's hard for me not to get emotional when I see people hurting so much. James conducted the graveside service, the Holy Spirit guided him through verses in Revelation about no more tears, no more sorrow. One of Debbie's sisters said it was the first funeral where she felt better afterward. Debbie will be dearly missed.

A local church provided dinner for the family and yes, there was funeral salad. A couple years ago a lady at my church said she brought funeral salad to our church potluck. What's funeral salad? I asked. It's that fluffy fruit salad with marshmallows, it comes in a variety of colors but usually mint green, peach, or pink. It's one of those comfort foods, yummy with no real nutritional value, we never make it for our home but only to share with others - on sad occasions and happy ones. And since I have begun to think of this fluffy stuff as funeral salad - whether it's brought to a funeral or church dinner it's always a reminder to me of the loved ones that have departed this world and can have comfort that they are walking with Jesus if they have accepted Him.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

A Day's Rantings and Such...

:( I just don't feel well today. The allergies are flaring up making me achy, giving me a sore throat, and a general ick like feeling. Today is the big "weigh in" day (always Thursdays) and I think I've done pretty well this past week. I have eaten decently, exercised but today I am starving...probably because I don't feel good but I haven't indulged too much, I just want to. Cameron was supposed to have a track meet this afternoon but it has been canceled due to rain, Christian still has a golf meet, it takes a torrential down pour to cancel those. I need to be working on VBS stuff, I was reminded yesterday that it is only 6 weeks away...YIKES! I have faith that it will all come together...but I do have to put some more effort into it and yes, I will I will.

Last week and this week, students are doing standardized testing and I have been called in to help. It hasn't been that bad, I have gotten a lot of work done during this process because I really don't do much, just monitor, sometimes read, I can't really do too much because that is against the rules but a boy last week told me that his dog died of fleas and a broken leg and that he must have been dead a while because there were flies...okay, moving on.

Lots of bible studies going on and I love them, please Lord forgive me but I am tired. It's just the flesh talking and the yucky feeling I have right now.
I have never been more sure of my purpose for Him, that I am doing what I'm supposed to be doing right now. And I am grateful for every opportunity He gives me to share His love, I just feel icky today, did I mention that?

Tomorrow we will be off to a Bible Conference in Joplin which will be a blast especially if I start feeling better. Next week, substitute teaching Monday and Tuesday, Cameron has music contest after school on Tuesday, Christian has State Music Contest on Thursday, multiple golf meets, probably some track meets, and all the stuff in between. Also, did I mention I had to get my boys' hair cut at 8:30 pm last night after church? Thankfully Angelia works hard too and she was still open and willing to do it that late at night. We just haven't been able to get them there, do we need to slow down? Sometimes I think so and then sometimes I don't, it will be summer soon but then that just means there are a whole new set of things and activities to do. As long as God is the priority the rest will all fall into place, thank You for this Lord :) I'm feeling better already.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Your Whole Life - Week 10

This upcoming week’s challenge is about loving yourself and writing a list of ten things that are “good” about you. This can seem like a daunting, impossible task or a conceited task or that’s what I first though anyway. But when you look at who you are with Christ in your life it doesn’t seem daunting, impossible, or conceited. Because He is marvelous and amazing and perfect and He lives in me. He made me who I am, He grows and changes me every day when I am obedient to His calling and plan. It’s only gonna get better! So I challenge you to compile a list of ten “good” things about you.

Ten “Good” Things About Me
1. I am compassionate about people and their need for Jesus. I love people.
2. I am a good singer.
3. I am strong. (physically and spiritually)
4. I am a servant.
5. I feel beautiful, inside and out.
6. I help women with their spiritual growth and make them feel loved.
7. I am funny.
8. I am a hard worker.
9. I am not easily offended.
10. I am a disciple of Jesus Christ.

By the way, I feel great this week! I will weigh in tonight but I have lost almost 6 lbs and feel stronger and healthier.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Flea Market Finds

An odd bike.... and a carrot bowl???

Today, James and I stopped at a flea market in Springfield before we came home and found some very interesting items. Of course I had to take pics of some of the most bizarre.
This was my first find...a baby rattle in a package marked "Water Gun" for only 50 cents! I feel sorry for the little lad on a hot day that received this from a parent who inadvertantly snatched it up due to the packaging. This is also available in baby blue.

Next up,


Who wouldn't go for a Macrame owl in their living room or for carrying around a Macrame purse? I guess James wouldn't...

My mom used to make floor to ceiling Macrame planters!

Remember the "Brady Bunch" when Greg got his own groovy room complete with beaded curtain doorway? I saw it today!

And oh the assortment of animal-like things...

And Scary Dolls!!! Every other booth had a naked barbie or two but this doll really creeped me out...Chuckie!!!

Somehow this workout video doesn't get me motivated...even though Regis is probably 120 years old.

Well, in the end I found a picture of the fruits of the spirit for $4.95 that I bought.

Monday, April 12, 2010

Turkeys for turkeys!

Youth Turkey Season is here! Both of my boys went spring turkey hunting this year. This was Cameron's first year to go turkey hunting. In year's past Christian has went with James only to come home empty handed. I too have been hunting with James and have been unsuccessful. This is still a mystery, I don't want to lay blame on my husband but it is highly suspicious. I only know that my husband walks me all over creation, uses several different devices to call in 'Big Toms' (that's man turkey hunting talk for puffy adult male turkeys), and makes me be quiet and still for many long spans at a time. I haven't been on any sort of hunt in quite a long time, a few years I believe and I really have no desire to again. Huh? Well anyway, back to the children.
Since both of the boys wanted to hunt this year James got a friend from church (another macho man hunter and his name is James as well, funny) to take Christian hunting and James, my James, would take Cameron. James, ha, took Cameron to a huge piece of property to seek out the eluding turkey. James called in the big one and Cameron shot and missed, blamed his father and came home pitifully. Of course, their version of the story is much more vibrant with turkey sounding details and such.
Christian had a different experience. Christian has been hunting with James, dad James, for the past few years and yes, has been outsmarted by the birds or who knows maybe it just wasn't meant to be. This year, however, he hunted with James, the other James, and came home with a decent size Jake (that's man hunting turkey talk for adolescent male turkey and not quite so puffy). He was so proud that he finally had gotten his bird!

Isn't he adorable? Yes, Christian too.

Of course Cameron is now really bummed because he missed his turkey (still blaming dad) and his brother had gotten one. So the next morning, James and James, both take Cameron out to see if they together can call in something for Cameron to shoot. They have limited time due to it being Sunday morning and having to get ready for church, I on the other hand felt free to sleep in, a luxury I rarely have. I wake around 7:00 am (yes, this is sleeping in) and hear the front door open, I am asked to come see what the youngest boy of ours has accomplished in the early morn. I throw on my robe and slippers and head down the stairs and then think and say out loud "James is out there! I am a mess!" Yes, church friend James is outside. I walk to the door mumbling "I am so humble"... To make a long story longer, Cameron got a Jake as well, the beard was a little bigger (oh you know he rubbed it in) and all was well at the Hoagland house.

We all made it to church on time, early even, and looking marvelous...

Do you know what you find in your bathroom with a house full of hunters???

Friday, April 9, 2010

I Love Coffee!!!

I admit it...I am addicted to coffee, I love it! Although I can drink it black I prefer the yumminess of flavored creamer, Hazelnut, caramel, chocolate mint, the list goes on and on! I usually have two (big) cups every morning. Oh, there are those that say they love coffee but have they proven just how much? What would you do to savor the flavor of your declicious cup of joe? Here is my example: Since the weather has been so nice lately I decided to take my marvelous mug of joy to the small deck we have upstairs, it is a lovely setting to just sit and relax and enjoy God's creation and a good cup of coffee. I set my coffee mug on a small end table and dashed back inside to grab something, upon my return I noticed our cat with front paws on the end table standing on his hind legs taking a couple dainty sips or licks of my coffee! "SCAT CAT!" I yelled. But nevertheless, I was not about to waste a perfectly good, or slightly tainted, cup of coffee. It tasted fine to me. I haven't noticed anything weird. Not to mention, it tasted fine to me and I haven't nonticed anything weird. ;)

Thursday, April 8, 2010

~Captivating Moments~

What would you love for God to say tenderly to you?

What a question…I wept trying to answer this question. This is how I answered it though I don’t think this quite sums up, there is so much more. I want God to say “I can use you, you are making a difference”. I want Him to say that I am okay, that I am loved, delighted in, adored.

What would you love God to restore to you?

This question was tough; I wanted it more for my mother, so I answered it this way. I want God to restore the joy of my mother’s salvation. How I long for a heartfelt Christian relationship with her. She used to love God so much, I remember her praising Him, serving Him, reaching out to others and really loving people.

Cultivate an adoring heart.
“Jesus replied: ‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with your soul and with all your mind.’” Matthew 22:37

Thank you for this bible study Lord!


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