The biggest changes have been in Cameron, he is no longer the little brother at school, he is doing his own things, for example:
- He is the yearbook editor - this is weird because he has never done anything like this before. He takes pictures at ballgames, he said he just finished the cover of the yearbook, etc.
- He is taking voice lessons - I am really ecstatic about this one, yes I set them up but he went and actually likes it, he is in Show Choir even though a lot of other boys are not. He sings around the house, he made All-District Choir. Cool.
- He currently has all As in his classes - these are hard classes too, he has been a good student but all As? Whoa, so proud.
- He signed up to take the ACT - granted I had to do some of the work but he pestered me about getting it done on time.