One of my favorite verses is Philippians 4:13 "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me." It's a well known verse and I love to say it to myself when I am have something difficult to do (difficult in my opinion). I focus on the word all....all things, not some, a few, all things and all because of Jesus! It is only through Him I can do anything at all that is good or worthwhile.Tonight I am going to share some of my anything journey at a ladies event at my church, I volunteered to do it but the closer the day came the more anxious I have became. I have written and rewritten what I want to say half a dozen times. I know what I want to say, it's what God has been laying on my heart, I've been talking about it with several people but now I'm feeling chicken, like I'm going to get up there and babble like an idiot and make no sense whatsoever. I do not want to dishonor Christ, I just have to give it all to Him and let Him speak through me. I am so weak....but He is strong. Thank goodness!