The search began for fun and entertaining things to do while we were away that were close to Bennett Springs, etc. It turned into a ridiculous search for the oddest things to do. I made a brochure with our faces on it and the itinerary inside...I know, totally cheesy but the boys thought it was hilarious...I just can't help myself. We picked up the boys from an FCA Leadership day at Camdenton and then we were off to find our cabin and see exactly what we had gotten ourselves into.
Not too shabby :)
James fixed breakfast every morning! I cleaned up, we make a great team.
This was great, there were nice restrooms (flushers) with showers closeby and everything was very clean. Next we went to Lebanon to do some of our fun activities.
The boys (all 3 of them) have gotten into Disc Golf, I know, I know, just go with it. I play for the exercise? I really just play to be with them. The first course we went to was pretty lame rough but we had fun :)
Next...on to Bennett Springs State Park to get fishing tags for the morning and what not.
Yes, planking...
Some of the Epic things
The men went fishing....really early, and I sat in a camp chair near them and read a book.
We went to an Alpaca Ranch....
Very exciting...
More Disc Golf...different course...a much better course, of course.
Betcha can't wait for part 2!