Thursday, December 29, 2011
A Prayer for Women
A Prayer for Women
by Dr. John Piper
My earnest challenge and prayer for you is . . .
. . . That all of your life—in whatever calling—be devoted to the glory of God.
. . . That the promises of Christ be trusted so fully that peace and joy and strength fill your soul to overflowing.
. . . That this fullness of God overflow in daily acts of love so that people might see your good deeds and give glory to your Father in Heaven.
. . . That you be women of the Book, who love and study and obey the Bible in every area of its teaching; that meditation on biblical truth be the source of hope and faith; that you continue to grow in understanding through all the chapters of your life, never thinking that study and growth are only for others.
. . . That you be women of prayer, so that the Word of God will be opened to you, and so the power of faith and holiness will descend upon you; that your spiritual influence may increase at home and at church and in the world.
. . . That you be women who have a deep grasp of the sovereign grace of God which undergirds all these spiritual processes; and that you be deep thinkers about the doctrines of grace, and even deeper lovers of these things.
. . . That you be totally committed to ministry, whatever your specific calling; that you not fritter away your time on soaps or women’s magazines or unimportant hobbies or shopping; that you redeem the time for Christ and His Kingdom.
. . . That, if you are single, you exploit your singleness to the full in devotion to God (the way Jesus and Paul and Mary Slessor and Amy Carmichael did) and not be paralyzed by the desire to be married.
. . . That, if you are married, you creatively and intelligently and sincerely support the leadership of your husband as deeply as obedience to Christ will allow; that you encourage him in his God-appointed role as head; that you influence him spiritually primarily through your fearless tranquility and holiness and prayer.
. . . That, if you have children, you accept responsibility with your husband (or alone if necessary) to raise up children in the discipline and instruction of the Lord—children who hope in the triumph of God—sharing with your husband the teaching and discipline they need, and giving them the special attention they crave from you, as well as that special nurturing touch and care that you alone are fitted to give.
. . . That you not assume that secular employment is a greater challenge or a better use of your life than the countless opportunities of service and witness in the home, the neighborhood, the community, the church, and the world; that you not only pose the question: career or full-time homemaker? but that you ask just as seriously: full-time career or freedom for ministry? That you ask: Which would be greater for the Kingdom—to work for someone who tells you what to do to make his or her business prosper, or to be God’s free agent dreaming your own dream about how your time and your home and your creativity could make God’s business prosper?
And that in all this you make your choices not on the basis of secular trends or upward lifestyle expectations, but on the basis of what will strengthen the faith of the family and advance the cause of Christ.
. . . That you step back and (with your husband, if you are married) plan the various forms of your life’s ministry in chapters. Chapters are divided by various things—age, strength, singleness, marriage, employment, children at home, children in college, grandchildren, retirement, etc. No chapter has all the joys. Finite life is a series of tradeoffs. Finding God’s will, and living for the glory of Christ to the full in every chapter is what makes it a success, not whether it reads like somebody else’s chapter or whether it has in it what only another chapter will bring.
. . . That you develop a wartime mentality and lifestyle; that you never forget that life is short, that billions of people hang in the balance of heaven and hell every day, that the love of money is spiritual suicide, that the goals of upward mobility (nicer clothes, cars, houses, vacations, food, hobbies) are a poor and dangerous substitute for the goals of living for Christ with all your might and maximizing your joy in ministry to people’s needs.
. . . That in all your relationships with men (not just in marriage) you seek the guidance of the Holy Spirit in applying the biblical vision of manhood and womanhood; that you develop a style and demeanor that does justice to the unique role God has given to man to feel responsible for gracious leadership in relation to women—a leadership which involves elements of protection and provision and a pattern of initiative; that you think creatively and with cultural sensitivity (just as he must do) in shaping the style and setting the tone of your interaction with men.
. . . That you see the biblical guidelines for what is appropriate and inappropriate for men and women not as arbitrary constraints on freedom, but as wise and gracious prescriptions for how to discover the true freedom of God’s ideal of complementarity; that you not measure your potential by the few roles withheld, but by the countless roles offered; that you look to the loving God of Scripture and dream about the possibilities of your service to him.
by Dr. John Piper
My earnest challenge and prayer for you is . . .
. . . That all of your life—in whatever calling—be devoted to the glory of God.
. . . That the promises of Christ be trusted so fully that peace and joy and strength fill your soul to overflowing.
. . . That this fullness of God overflow in daily acts of love so that people might see your good deeds and give glory to your Father in Heaven.
. . . That you be women of the Book, who love and study and obey the Bible in every area of its teaching; that meditation on biblical truth be the source of hope and faith; that you continue to grow in understanding through all the chapters of your life, never thinking that study and growth are only for others.
. . . That you be women of prayer, so that the Word of God will be opened to you, and so the power of faith and holiness will descend upon you; that your spiritual influence may increase at home and at church and in the world.
. . . That you be women who have a deep grasp of the sovereign grace of God which undergirds all these spiritual processes; and that you be deep thinkers about the doctrines of grace, and even deeper lovers of these things.
. . . That you be totally committed to ministry, whatever your specific calling; that you not fritter away your time on soaps or women’s magazines or unimportant hobbies or shopping; that you redeem the time for Christ and His Kingdom.
. . . That, if you are single, you exploit your singleness to the full in devotion to God (the way Jesus and Paul and Mary Slessor and Amy Carmichael did) and not be paralyzed by the desire to be married.
. . . That, if you are married, you creatively and intelligently and sincerely support the leadership of your husband as deeply as obedience to Christ will allow; that you encourage him in his God-appointed role as head; that you influence him spiritually primarily through your fearless tranquility and holiness and prayer.
. . . That, if you have children, you accept responsibility with your husband (or alone if necessary) to raise up children in the discipline and instruction of the Lord—children who hope in the triumph of God—sharing with your husband the teaching and discipline they need, and giving them the special attention they crave from you, as well as that special nurturing touch and care that you alone are fitted to give.
. . . That you not assume that secular employment is a greater challenge or a better use of your life than the countless opportunities of service and witness in the home, the neighborhood, the community, the church, and the world; that you not only pose the question: career or full-time homemaker? but that you ask just as seriously: full-time career or freedom for ministry? That you ask: Which would be greater for the Kingdom—to work for someone who tells you what to do to make his or her business prosper, or to be God’s free agent dreaming your own dream about how your time and your home and your creativity could make God’s business prosper?
And that in all this you make your choices not on the basis of secular trends or upward lifestyle expectations, but on the basis of what will strengthen the faith of the family and advance the cause of Christ.
. . . That you step back and (with your husband, if you are married) plan the various forms of your life’s ministry in chapters. Chapters are divided by various things—age, strength, singleness, marriage, employment, children at home, children in college, grandchildren, retirement, etc. No chapter has all the joys. Finite life is a series of tradeoffs. Finding God’s will, and living for the glory of Christ to the full in every chapter is what makes it a success, not whether it reads like somebody else’s chapter or whether it has in it what only another chapter will bring.
. . . That you develop a wartime mentality and lifestyle; that you never forget that life is short, that billions of people hang in the balance of heaven and hell every day, that the love of money is spiritual suicide, that the goals of upward mobility (nicer clothes, cars, houses, vacations, food, hobbies) are a poor and dangerous substitute for the goals of living for Christ with all your might and maximizing your joy in ministry to people’s needs.
. . . That in all your relationships with men (not just in marriage) you seek the guidance of the Holy Spirit in applying the biblical vision of manhood and womanhood; that you develop a style and demeanor that does justice to the unique role God has given to man to feel responsible for gracious leadership in relation to women—a leadership which involves elements of protection and provision and a pattern of initiative; that you think creatively and with cultural sensitivity (just as he must do) in shaping the style and setting the tone of your interaction with men.
. . . That you see the biblical guidelines for what is appropriate and inappropriate for men and women not as arbitrary constraints on freedom, but as wise and gracious prescriptions for how to discover the true freedom of God’s ideal of complementarity; that you not measure your potential by the few roles withheld, but by the countless roles offered; that you look to the loving God of Scripture and dream about the possibilities of your service to him.

Sunday, December 25, 2011
Christmas Photo-Card 2011
Last year we started sending Christmas Photo-Cards, and it instantly became a new tradition.
Like this...Christmas 2010
Just your average over-the-top smile.
I had some more ideas for this year's card, the number one idea being taking a photo with our Wal-Mart greeter, Bob. He has long white hair and is a really good greeter but he got a hair cut and it just didn't seem near as fun. Maybe next year. I was really getting behind on even taking a photo at all and getting it in the mail, but last weekend we snapped this one out in our yard right before heading to a Christmas party, I made the cards online Monday and mailed them Tuesday and I think everyone got them before Christmas, amazing! Here's year number two's winner...
Like this...Christmas 2010
Just your average over-the-top smile.
I had some more ideas for this year's card, the number one idea being taking a photo with our Wal-Mart greeter, Bob. He has long white hair and is a really good greeter but he got a hair cut and it just didn't seem near as fun. Maybe next year. I was really getting behind on even taking a photo at all and getting it in the mail, but last weekend we snapped this one out in our yard right before heading to a Christmas party, I made the cards online Monday and mailed them Tuesday and I think everyone got them before Christmas, amazing! Here's year number two's winner...
Upon seeing this most people ask how many takes that took. Probably 10 or 15, we started off on the trampoline but thought it was going to break so chose to jump off the ground, the cat was "jumping" (being gently tossed by Cameron) in one pic but some of the rest of us were blurry. Who knows what next year will bring...Muhahahaha!
Wednesday, December 14, 2011
My tv stars
HC Warsaw KOMU.com Columbia, MO
Christian and Cameron performing at KOMU television station with Madrigal Singers.
Yes...they are tv stars...back off paparazzi.
Christian and Cameron performing at KOMU television station with Madrigal Singers.
Yes...they are tv stars...back off paparazzi.

Thursday, December 8, 2011
It's the Most Wonderful Time of the Year
Every year at Christmas, I may go a little overboard on decorating but James loves it so who cares, right? Actually, he would like me to leave it up waaaayyy longer than I do, I can barely make it til New Years and often don't. I may post some of my other rooms but for now, here's our family room (part of it anyway). The last few years I have only put out stocking for the boys, I just hadn't found ones I really liked for all four of us, of course they have to be different, etc. I was really wanting something rustic and I have seen a few I like but am also very cheap so haven't bought any of those. I got these for half off at K-Mart. They are cute, James likes them but now seeing them in the picture below I'm not so sure I like them as much as when I bought them. Oh well, that's what we are having :)
I really do love about everything to do with Christmas, the carols, baking, shopping (although I haven't bought my kids squat yet...shhh, don't tell them - it's not about gifts anyway, right?), the smells, the Christmas movies, light displays, Christmas programs, Christmas parties, the Christmas novels I read (or try to), the sappy commercials, gift exchanges, Christmas cards, Christmas photos, Christmas letters, time with family!!, and the list goes on and on and on. But in the busyness of all of this....Jesus needs to be remembered most, we need to rest in His presence, in the wonder of what an awesome and amazing thing God coming to earth wrapped in flesh really is.....miraculous. This video says it well...let's not forget why we celebrate Christmas.

The Birth of King Jesus
The children's choir at my church performed their Christmas Program last night.
The uproarous laughter was the cows holding up their "Eat Mor Chikin" sign. Cameron was my videographer and missed it, I'm sure he was just captivated by the whole performance that it just got away from him.

Monday, December 5, 2011
Coming to a Wal-Mart near you!
Last Saturday evening we had some time to kill before heading to a basketball tournament. I had to get something, can't remember what, at Wal-Mart and one thing led to another. This is what happened...
turned into this...
Oh...we did more...
We did a 4 or 5 bins...why? Who knows, we are weird and maybe have a little OCD. But for some reason it was quite entertaining and addicting. There were a couple bins that were 3 foot deep or so and we didn't really have time to do those anyway. But watch out, we may show up at your local Wal-Mart!
Bonus: Cameron found a Betty White DVD...but alas, I did not buy it.

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