Friday, November 18, 2011

Flashback Friday - I'll Get You My Pretty

When I was a kid "The Wizard of Oz" was on every year in the Fall.  My brothers and sister loved it....James, not so much.  It hasn't been much of a secret, the boys or I may let it slip once in awhile but it usually comes up in conversation?  That doesn't seem too ridiculous, does it?  Our old youth group used to tease him relentlessly, he cringes when he hears "Somewhere Over the Rainbow" and don't even think about saying anything remotely like you-know-who of the west in that tone of voice.  I don't know if he will ever get over his Wizard of Oz phobia but he did let me snap the above pic of him at the Hollywood Wax Museum.  You know his expression really is sheer terror.

He also doesn't like The Muppets....go figure.

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